Social How Trump unleashed domestic terrorism

It was the first time that there was a domestic terror incident like this, on such a broad scale, that was directly incited by a person who lost an election (got whooped by an old man that doesnt have many fans to begin with).

Compounded by the fact that trump convinced his moron supporters to attack our nations capital, smear their own shit on the walls, and kill people in the process.

The only people, and I mean the ONLY people that downplay a monumental act of domestic terrorism are blind trump supporters, or middle school special education students trying to sound edgy on the internet.

People who still support donald trump dubbed themselves "the january 6th party. Its amazing how dumb some people are. Guy lost a fair election, cried about it hard enough, then convinced his supporters to attack our country.

If call shit for what it is make me wannabe edgy on teh internet so be it lol

For sure i rather embrace realistic view of events rather than play the retarded childish game of politics wich is dividing your country, where even non-paid people pretend to be more or less outraged about this or that based on wich side did it

The grand second coming of Hitler (aka 6 jan) we speak about resulted in
"Five people died either shortly before, during, or following the event: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes."

This was the blood outcome of the most epic attack to America

My fault was even mention 11 sept, your average tuesday american highschool mass shooting tend to generate far worse outcome

Trump (and anybody that took part) should be still in jail for that?
Sure if you ask me
Trump should ever be allowed to do politics to any level again?
Lol no, and even if he could nobody should want him to run for potus, both for what pathetic potus he was and for 6 jan

Made that premise, one return to what indeed happened:
A small scale shitshow played by bunch of wierdos with no hope of success that chosen to do that shit for Trump of all people.
The orange douche that made slogan of his life "will build a wall" and then did'nt built the wall
Lasted bunch of hours then that was about it
They obtained nothing beyond cover themselves of hilarious shame, and if their target was score a show of strenght has been a pretty weak one at that (lmao at call themselves 6 jan party as if was a win)

I mean, go study actual historical coup d'etat events (not even necessary successfull ones, being not pathetic is enough) and try sell me this shit scored anywhere close to the top100

Now, in a non bullshit world the other side SHOULD indeed condemn it (both sides should actually) and beyond claim how unacceptable has been due symbolic reasons most fair analysis would admit on pratical level it has been a miserable failure, and that imagine these people take over USA that day was not much realistic

Instead minions insist play the game, so you end up having bunch of adult people pretending to believe (i want have faith is just intellectual dishonesty) 6 Jan has been one of the greatest strikes evah to America... same America that few months before had far larger riots in the name of some pos criminal accidentally murdered by a pos cop, but these should be minimized because game of the party say so

Meanwile same people should consider far more big and scary event happened years before, when notorious cunt Trump was actually elected by majority of americans

But mental midgets are too busy play the game about the small farce to realize that this kind of retarded social tension is the gasoline that made the actual big scary thing happen before and will offer ground to make it happen again

Sides keep exasperate bullshit and mutilate truth, as result you end up with elections where people voted as potus an orange cunt that as main quality was incarnation of a "fuck you other side" troll move

Literally only reason Trump is even considered to run at elections again after all his failures is that electors became retarded and angry due parties divisive propaganda
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So your source is a opinion article in a far left media source by a far left "reporter ".
Indeed. Couldn’t give a shit. Hell, I wish it was a more regular thing.
They would have applauded it if happened in France. They sure know how to remind politicians who is REALLY in charge!
It was the first time that there was a domestic terror incident like this, on such a broad scale, that was directly incited by a person who lost an election (got whooped by an old man that doesnt have many fans to begin with).

Compounded by the fact that trump convinced his moron supporters to attack our nations capital, smear their own shit on the walls, and kill people in the process.

The only people, and I mean the ONLY people that downplay a monumental act of domestic terrorism are blind trump supporters, or middle school special education students trying to sound edgy on the internet.

People who still support donald trump dubbed themselves "the january 6th party. Its amazing how dumb some people are. Guy lost a fair election, cried about it hard enough, then convinced his supporters to attack our country.
If call shit for what it is make me wannabe edgy on teh internet so be it lol

For sure i rather embrace realistic view of events rather than play the retarded childish game of politics wich is dividing your country, where even non-paid people pretend to be more or less outraged about this or that based on wich side did it

The grand second coming of Hitler (aka 6 jan) we speak about resulted in
"Five people died either shortly before, during, or following the event: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes."

This was the blood outcome of the most epic attack to America

My fault was even mention 11 sept, your average tuesday american highschool mass shooting tend to generate far worse outcome

Trump (and anybody that took part) should be still in jail for that?
Sure if you ask me
Trump should ever be allowed to do politics to any level again?
Lol no, and even if he could nobody should want him to run for potus, both for what pathetic potus he was and for 6 jan

Made that premise, one return to what indeed happened:
A pathetic small scale shitshow played by bunch of wierdos with no hope of success that chosen to do that shit for Trump of all people.
The orange douche that made slogan of his life "will build a wall" and then did'nt built the wall
Lasted bunch of hours then that was about it
They obtained nothing beyond cover themselves of hilarious shame, and if their target was score a show of strenght has been a pathetic weak one at that (lmao at call themselves 6 jan party)

I mean, go study actual historical coup d'etat events (not even necessary successfull ones, being not pathetic is enough) and try sell me this shit scored anywhere close to the top100

Now, in a non bullshit world the other side SHOULD indeed condemn it (both sides should actually) and beyond claim how unacceptable has been due symbolic reasons most fair analysis would admit on pratical level it has been a miserable failure, and that imagine these people take over USA was not much realistic

Instead minions insist play the game, so you end up having bunch of adult people pretending to believe (i want have faith is just intellectual dishonesty) 6 Jan has been one of the greatest strikes evah to America... same America that few months before had far larger riots in the name of some pos criminal accidentally murdered by a pos cop, but these should be minimized because game of the party say so

Meanwile same people should consider far more big and scary event happened years before, when notorious cunt Trump was actually elected by majority of americans

But mental midgets are too busy play the game about the small farce to realize that this kind of retarded social tension is the gasoline that made the actual big scary thing happen before and will offer ground to make it happen again

Sides keep exasperate bullshit and mutilate truth, as result you end up with elections where people voted as potus an orange cunt that as main quality was incarnation of a "fuck you other side" troll move

Literally only reason Trump is even considered to run at elections again after all his failures is that electors became retarded and angry due parties divisive propaganda
I dont know what youre trying to say, and I dont think you do either. You previously stated you arent from america, but for some reason youre trying to defend domestic terrorism in another country.

The correct answer is to say domestic terrorism is bad. We are in the age where edgy teens go on the internet and make excuses for senseless violence and immaturity. I would like to say we dont do that in america, but you would be surprised at how many stupid people we have, and i cant speak for your country.
Lotta bad hombres smearing feces on the Capitol walls.
I dont know what youre trying to say, and I dont think you do either. You previously stated you arent from america, but for some reason youre trying to defend domestic terrorism in another country.

You have just proven to have either no ability or will to understand a text

Find any part of that post where i defend domestic terrorism/6 jan events

Just for further laugh, very same post you're talking about include
"Trump (and anybody that took part) should be still in jail for that?
Sure if you ask me"

Talk with people like you is hilarious and depressing at same time lol
You have just proven to have either no ability or will to understand a text

Find any part of that post where i defend domestic terrorism/6 jan events

Just for further laugh, very same post you're talking about include
"Trump (and anybody that took part) should be still in jail for that?
Sure if you ask me"

Talk with people like you is hilarious and depressing at same time lol
I agree
For sure i rather embrace realistic view of events rather than play the retarded childish game of politics

No you don't. You just come across as a naive european who barely follows US politics and think you have some sort of grand insight. Because Jan 6th fits every modern definition of terrorism. It was violence (beating the shit out of cops and other federal workers, and an effort, by at least a portion of that crowd, to hang the VP) for the purpose of pushing a political objective (keeping trump in power despite him losing the election).

The retarded notion, that because only 5 people died then it wasn't bigly enough to be called terrorism. Or because a lot of the crowd was so fucking dumb there was no chance that the plan would work; so it doesn't count as terrorism. Neither or these are sophisticated answers that are just above our partisan minds.
I can't believe Jan 6 isn't a federal holiday with full pay. How do they expect people to go to work/class on the anniversary of the worst day in American history
Tell us your opinion about the details of january 6th.
Starts the OP with "great article" and links


What kind of brutal cuckold refers to protesting politicians as "attacking our nation", but burning down the businesses and property of average citizens in every major city in the country and murdering several dozen as "mostly peaceful protest? They really are like dogs who think of politicians as their masters.
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I even heard it was insurrection!

They were a hairs breath from taking over the country, just ask any liberal media. 9/11 was nothing compared to this. I heard they wanted to Date AOC so bad she was in danger of being assaulted and maybe killed, you can take her word for that.
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The "mostly peaceful" kind of terrorism? The kind that looks to make the country safer and better? Or some other kind?

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