Social How Trump unleashed domestic terrorism

TDS thread

Orange man bad
First responder for the Trump Defense Squad.

Great article detailing how Trump weaponized his republican base for the january 6th attack on our nation. It talks about numerous facts regarding warning signs from his rallies, the radical right wing extremists in Michigan, and how the proud boys got the go-ahead from trump himself.

As Americans, we cant forget about the day that the right attacked our country.

TDS thread

Orange man bad

So you have nothing of value to add them? Is this just a +1 post for you?

Lmao at that circus being considered terrorism

The military, police, veterans and the civilians who own the guns are right leaning. If they attacked the country, there wouldn't be a country left. The argument that they attacked the country is bullshit when even on January 6th, not a single firearm was used by the protesters.

You're broken


Did you just try to say everyone that owns a gun is a right winger, and imply that january 6th didnt happen?

I remember seven or eight years ago the FBI stated the greatest terrorist threat the US faced was domestic terrorism, the righties on here lost their minds , now we know how prescient that was .


"we cant forget"
It's going to be hard since some people always talk about it.

It's like a mantra to prevent people from thinking.

Welp, it didn't work.

The fact Trump resonates with so many is indicitive of a rot in the culture that doesnt just come out of nowhere. Funny the people that are bothered by it the most have their heads deepest in the sands.

brainwashed TDS afflicted chuds who think half the country are nazis and domestic terrorists and straight regurgitating cnn talking points. christ, get some help..



  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    "the fight against terrorism"

Stopped right there


And right on cue. The right wing stereotype furthers itself.

Jan 6 was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined. How the nation recovered I'll never know.


Was thinking at the scary scary 6th jan gimmick (what i pointed at saying "that circus"), this is already more legit even if seems small bunch of incels (incels with ambitious plan, i admit) rather than super organized wide scale terrorist org worth of being declared #1 threat of USA empire

I'm not american, i think Trump is a more extremist and less smart, cunt american copy of Berlusconi (who was a cunt on his own), i believe most of Trump fans are douchebags (and i will find borderline parody if he will run for election again lmao)

Still the way half sherdog seems to paint 6th jan shitshow as some sort of new 11th sept that wake them up at night is hilarious, specially considering the mostly peaceful riots of few months before were much bigger deal in both scale and violence and in many cases were almost minimized when not justified here
Was thinking at the scary scary 6th jan gimmick (what i pointed at saying "that circus"), this is already more legit even if seems small bunch of incels (incels with ambitious plan, i admit) rather than super organized wide scale terrorist org worth of being declared #1 threat of USA empire

I'm not american, i think Trump is a more extremist and less smart, cunt american copy of Berlusconi (who was a cunt on his own), i believe most of Trump fans are douchebags (and i will find borderline parody if he will run for election again lmao)

Still the way half sherdog seems to paint 6th jan shitshow as some sort of new 11th sept that wake them up at night is hilarious, specially considering the mostly peaceful riots of few months before were much bigger deal in both scale and violence and in many cases were almost minimized when not justified here
It was the first time that there was a domestic terror incident like this, on such a broad scale, that was directly incited by a person who lost an election (got whooped by an old man that doesnt have many fans to begin with).

Compounded by the fact that trump convinced his moron supporters to attack our nations capital, smear their own shit on the walls, and kill people in the process.

The only people, and I mean the ONLY people that downplay a monumental act of domestic terrorism are blind trump supporters, or middle school special education students trying to sound edgy on the internet.

People who still support donald trump dubbed themselves "the january 6th party. Its amazing how dumb some people are. Guy lost a fair election, cried about it hard enough, then convinced his supporters to attack our country.
The military, police, veterans and the civilians who own the guns are right leaning. If they attacked the country, there wouldn't be a country left. The argument that they attacked the country is bullshit when even on January 6th, not a single firearm was used by the protesters.
No they used their hands ,feet, poles, and committed terrorists acts.

I'm broken? Ich don't think so.

I'm probably one of the best and most rational posters here. It's true
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yep he also enabled the Antifa & Rainbow mafia mob
we already know that the January 6th "attack" on our country will be ramped up over the next 19 months. I am just waiting for the left to pick a particular police killing of a civilian, justified or not, to add to the mix for the election cycle
It was the first time that there was a domestic terror incident like this, on such a broad scale, that was directly incited by a person who lost an election (got whooped by an old man that doesnt have many fans to begin with).

Compounded by the fact that trump convinced his moron supporters to attack our nations capital, smear their own shit on the walls, and kill people in the process.

The only people, and I mean the ONLY people that downplay a monumental act of domestic terrorism are blind trump supporters, or middle school special education students trying to sound edgy on the internet.

People who still support donald trump dubbed themselves "the january 6th party. Its amazing how dumb some people are. Guy lost a fair election, cried about it hard enough, then convinced his supporters to attack our country.

Sounds like a BLM "protest" for Saint Floyd

Great article detailing how Trump weaponized his republican base for the january 6th attack on our nation. It talks about numerous facts regarding warning signs from his rallies, the radical right wing extremists in Michigan, and how the proud boys got the go-ahead from trump himself.

As Americans, we cant forget about the day that the right attacked our country.

Biden, is that you?

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