So I've had ptsd for a while.
When I used to get angry I could control it and it would pass.
Now when something makes me angry it can take me anything up to 3 days to calm down. It's fucked up.
So I understand why you ask.
You need to remove yourself from the situation immediately and finalise it and move on. This is so you are not talking about it or continually going over it or stewing on it as this is likely to perpetuate it. Even explaining why you are angry will make you angry again. Make sure you aren't going to see anyone or anything that will remind you of it.
I recommend a mood changing activity immediately. Some turn to drugs or alcohol. It's probably not healthy. Be aware some drugs or alcohol will make you angry and possibly seek vengeance...
An edible can make me relaxed and happy.
Good sex, vigorous exercise can instantly change your mood.
Doing something you love.
Going hiking in a beautiful area detached from the source of anger.
A quick short term trip to somewhere vastly different.
Laughing with friends.
Go parachuting or something similar. Exhilarating things like that are immediate mood changes.
I'm serious. Do a few of these things for a few days...done. mood changed. Incident left behind.
This is not professional advice, just things that would work for me.
Identify what you know changes your mood positively and do it several times if you have to.
Tell me a good hard fuck or two and jumping out of a plane once or twice in the same day wouldn't take this incident out of your headspace?