How to become obese ? As inflation is still going strong.

People need to learn to not get their happiness from food. It's nice once in a while but if you make it a habit, it can knock years off your life and lead to a much less happy existence while you're still here.

Every meal doesn't have to be a mouth orgasm. It pays to eat the majority of your meals for health and energy and then splurge on something nice once in a while. Find that happiness somewhere else in life.
They have McDonald's at Walmart. Never have to leave your scooter..

I haven't see a McDonald in a walmart in over a decade. We have two Walmarts within 20 miles of each other, one has a Subway, the other has a Domino's pizza which o thought was dumb because who the fuck is going to order a whole pie and walk around the store shopping.
Dollar store junk food. Get some "Marsed" and "Kitt Cat" bars with some "Phringles" potato chips, and some 2L bottles of "Doc Peppa" to wash it down with.
I find the best way to not get fat is to mainly drink soda with artificial sweeteners in it, eat healthy stuff like Impossible Burgers and avoid any but the best seed oils (canola and sunflower). Also, following the food pyramid is a good way to stay trim and healthy:


Do the opposite of that if you want to get fat.

Fake doctor is Fake
I love how woke people are always blaming social injustice for people being fat. Never occurred to them that what makes them poor - bad decisions - is also what makes them obese. But NO, it's always the system and racism and the patriarchy as to why so many poor people are fat fucks. Makes me sick. Honestly, it takes more effort, but you can maintain a healthy weight without being rich.
I’ve seen a lot of overweight people who don’t necessarily eat a ton of food. The difference is they tend to drink a lot of thei calories. Shitloads of soda and “coffee” to them is an iced coffee with sweetened syrup, milk and whipped cream.

It is worse than that. Being overweight fucks with your insulin which means you will be hungery when you clearly shouldn't be. The new weight drug wegovy works on the recepters in the brain to make you not hungry. So, being fat makes it hard to not be fat because it makes you more hungry.
It is worse than that. Being overweight fucks with your insulin which means you will be hungery when you clearly shouldn't be. The new weight drug wegovy works on the recepters in the brain to make you not hungry. So, being fat makes it hard to not be fat because it makes you more hungry.

Why do they always reach for the cakes and deep fried shit to fill them up, though? A lot of the problem is what they eat. I've never known an obese person to not eat pure fucking garbage all day long. And it's always behind some childish reasoning, like vegetables not tasting good.
Food that is unhealthy and makes you fat is cheap. Healthy nutritious food is expensive.
It’s actually opposite of that these days. It’s cheaper to eat healthy good meals that the unhealthy boxed shit or fast food.
I’ve noticed fat people don’t really eat huge meals, they are just constantly snacking.
I’ve noticed fat people don’t really eat huge meals, they are just constantly snacking.

Thats an anecdote. Typically they do. Huge meals are not neccessary to become obese but when an entire family is obsenly fat it does tend to have to do with the common denominator.

Also unpopular opinion I think people should eat twice a day. A third time really isn't neccessary.
I’ve seen a lot of overweight people who don’t necessarily eat a ton of food. The difference is they tend to drink a lot of their calories. Shitloads of soda and “coffee” to them is an iced coffee with sweetened syrup, milk and whipped cream.
I don't eat much more than most people, at least I dont' think I do maybe I do. And I really know for sure I don't eat as much as i did when I was young and weighed about 90 pounds less. I think it's more complicated that we're told, not just a matter of calories although, sure, I suppose if anyone halfed their calories they'd drop weight.
I’ve noticed fat people don’t really eat huge meals, they are just constantly snacking.
my ma was obese and I could never really understand how, she didn't eat that much. Sure, she wasn't physically active. Me and my brother always wondered if she was a closet eater. At any rate, she had that gastric bypass surgery and the weight fell off so whatever she ate must have had something to do with it. After all, a person can eat a days worth of calories in a few minutes easily in our society.
Top 3 things that'll get you obese without breaking the budget:

-Gallon of soda or sweet tea every day
-Fill up on ranch dressing at the lunch buffet
-Check McDonald's app every day for deals with free or discounted fries (ex: 20 nuggets and 2 large fries for $6)

Hope this helps!