How often should one attempt max effort lifts?


Douchey Mc Douche
Dec 7, 2002
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I have developed the rather unhealthy habit of working with my 1rm every workout, which has proved rather telling on my joints . While progress has been steady, I was hoping if anyone could point me in the direction of a periodization program that shows me when/how to lead up to a max lift.

Furthermore, is there anything that discusses how far apart to seperate max effort lifts? (i.e. I reckon I couldn't max out on deadlift and squat in the same week etc)

Any help/advice would be sincerely appreciated.

Sheiko programs are designed for powerlifters. I think the Sheiko 29 followed by the 32 is designed for a competition. In other words max lifting.

Normally you would wanna max after your done with a program or whenever you set your benchmark.
Anywhere from every two weeks to every three months.
I have developed the rather unhealthy habit of working with my 1rm every workout, which has proved rather telling on my joints .

IMO never, for safety reasons. That's just my opinion, not recommending it for others.
I'm concerned about the OP's joints, as he mentioned in his post.

But I'm all ears for reading others opinions on it. Maybe I could learn something and incorporate it into my workouts.

Go look at the first 45 pages of your log, then we'll talk. Until, I breathe in and then breathe out.
How often should you do ME lifts? Or how often should you test your 1rm?
If you are going to test your 1RM, you should do it on the smith machine to protect your joints.
Well, we did attempt talking, err, I did at least. On page 9 of my log you demonstrated you weren't interested in talking to me.

No, you forced me in to submission by wanting to make me bash my head in to a wall.
I don't use a set day. If I feel up to it then let the battle begin. Instinctual training.
When your feeling froggy, or planned at the end of a block of concentrated loaded.
There are several schools of thought on how to approach a max. Poliquin has a method, Coan's has a method and there are several posted on here in random places.

Find what works for you.