How often do you guys do assistance arm training? (If at all)


Douchey Mc Douche
Dec 7, 2002
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First and foremost, I'm not talking about EZ Curls etc, but more of the bread and butter strength lifts (Close Grip Bench, Board Press, Hammer Curls).

Since getting into power style training, I haven't directly trained my arms. I generally rely on pullups/heavy SOHP to hit my biceps/triceps, but am concerned that this may not be enough. Do you guys/girls do any direct arm training, and if you do, when do you add it to your workout?

Thanks in advance
I always add assistance work at the end of the workout, just in case I don't feel like doing it.
I didn't for a long while. Recently I added in some pushdowns, curls, and similar things. My arms have definitely developed more because of them, kind of upsetting that I waited this long to do them actually.

As to when, I do it at the end after all my main lifts have been completed.
I always add assistance work at the end of the workout, just in case I don't feel like doing it.

This is exactly what I do. If my workout runs long or I'm too beat to do them I don't worry about leaving them out.
I lift four days a week with my assistance lifts in as follows:
Push Day: last lift is Tricep Extensions
Pull Day: last lift is Curls
Cleans Day/Assistance Lifts: This contains Close Grip Bench, Reverse Curls, and Tricep Kickbacks.
Circuit Day: This contains Upright Rows, Curls, and Tricep Extension.

The bulk of my time lifting is compound lifts, but I have always felt that arm assistance lifts are important. The day dedicated to Cleans and 3 assistance lifts is normally a light and quick day on the weights.
I recently added close grip bench for assistance, I gotta say, it definitely has helped. I just do them at the end of the workout, quick set of 2x5-8 usually.
I disagree that close-grip should even be considered an assistance exercise.
i do close grip bench press for triceps and i flex in the mirror for hours on end for the bi's
At the end of the workout, usually.

I disagree that close-grip should even be considered an assistance exercise.

Agreed, close grip bench and board press are full on heavy compound lifts and should be trained as such.
After a pull day I do 2 sets of barbell curls, and 2 sets of hammer curls. 2x8 and 2x12 respectively.

After my push day I do skull crushers, 3x10 and BW dips for reps.
cant remember the last time i did a curl. i do chin ups and underhand barbell rows regularly, so that grossly overglorified muscle isnt neglected.

triceps are usually about to explode after pressing, dips, etc.... so i never really bother doing anything isolated. i will do some flyes with mini bands on occasion, but its more therapeutic than anything else. ive found slowly applying force through the full range of motion helps me stabilize big weight in presses.