how much time is too much


Blue Belt
May 22, 2005
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How much time in the gym is too much? hour? hour and a half? two hours? two and a half?

And along these lines, how much rest should be given between sets in a 5x5 of , say, 5 or 6 exercises?
My exercises are lined up by priority and I am out of the gym in an hour or less. So if I don't finish my routine and I'm dragging ass that day, I lose the lowest priority exercises and still got in the most beneficial. as far as 5 5x5's, if you do the math that's 25 sets, which means you have 144 seconds (just over 2 minutes) to devote to each set. I happen to think this kind of mechanical method of organizing your time is silly though. Some exercises take longer to recover from (squats and deads for example) and others simply do not (isolation exercises usually).
Urban said:
My exercises are lined up by priority and I am out of the gym in an hour or less. So if I don't finish my routine and I'm dragging ass that day, I lose the lowest priority exercises and still got in the most beneficial. as far as 5 5x5's, if you do the math that's 25 sets, which means you have 144 seconds (just over 2 minutes) to devote to each set. I happen to think this kind of mechanical method of organizing your time is silly though. Some exercises take longer to recover from (squats and deads for example) and others simply do not (isolation exercises usually).

Yeah, I can usually tell by how I feel whether I'm getting enough rest and whether or not I'm prepared for the workout I wrote myself.
If you're training to gain strength, give yourself more rest between sets (3-5 minutes). If for strength endurance, shorten it up anywhere from circuit-type training to a minute between sets.

God, my squat days take like 2 hours.

My main lifts take 45min-a hour (for 8 or so sets including warm up) with 2 assistance exercises taking up the rest.
A olympic lifter once said on tv that smal guys like me (170lbs) needs 2 minutes on the heavy exercises. I take 2 minutes rest on every exercise.
True, some exercises take longer. Complexes, such as the Bear, can take up to 5 min to recover. Testostsrene decreases 80% or more after 45min of training, so training should be never more than that. No messing around in the gym, its all business.
Yesterday my 4 sets of balls to the wall Rack Deads left me having to drop my lowest priority exercise (as you would put it) since it left me totally depleted...(was only standing bi-curls :D)
Duncon76 said:
True, some exercises take longer. Complexes, such as the Bear, can take up to 5 min to recover.

But if you rest too long between sets of bears, won't you be losing the total effect of the exercise?
I would say that mid day has the shortest work out span.
In the morning or at night 90 minutes is a healthy limit.