How much is too much? (GPP)

Chris Beeby

Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
As anyone who's seen my log is sure of, lately I haven't been lifting. I'm 17, and know it should because I know the edge it will give me in the future.

I train BJJ 6 nights a week because it isn't very strenuous given my style, but I am still interested in dramatically improving my work capacity, because I feel I will then feel more fresh and have more inspiration to lift.

So my question is, HOW MUCH GPP IS TOO MUCH?

Should I just start DOING more? Or should I go about building my work capacity with mostly GPP?
Not to come off as harsh, but don't worry about too much until you're actually doing something.
He's probably counting his BJJ
GPP is exactly that: general.

You should probably be looking for weaknesses (what tires out first when you are sparring) and work on those weaknesses first.

GPP probably 1-3 times a week is plenty.
However much you can do without it negatively affecting your recovery and preparedness for BJJ training.
I've never been so wiped out that I couldn't roll. Now, I'm not recommending everyone should do 20 rep squats the day before a tournament, but once you start rolling, I think you'll be surprised how quickly you forget about fatigue and tiredness.