How many pillows do you usually sleep with?

Two. One wedge pillow thanks to acid reflux and a regular pillow on top on that.
3, sometimes 4. All under my head. I read some people here have pillows to hug into, have a pillow in-between the legs, and one person sleeps with a pillow over his face?


Fuck all that. I also have a fan blasting air at me, because my bedroom becomes a fucking sauna at night.
One under my head. One in an RNC to squeeze to death. My wife says i squeeze her too hard if we do the spoon. So i have a pillow to go all mice of men on.
LOL I thought I was the only one that had a RNC pillow!

It's surprisingly comfortable. Just be careful you don't choke your wife by mistake
They do have pillows in russian prisons.
Stopped using pillows around 7 years ago. Realized they were not necessary. You get used to it after 1-2 weeks. Using pillows has always been a weird thing, no other animal needs a pillow to sleep.

A decent quality side sleeper latex one.

by decent I really just mean not the cheapest possible. Far from fancy.
Just 1 sometimes none. Only a must if i sleep on the couch. I cant sleep in a sea of pillows.
They do have pillows in russian prisons.
Not all. I saw a Russian prison doc where they give you no pillow and take your mattress away in the morning then return it back at night they make you practically stand up all day fkn savage