How long until results


Aug 10, 2016
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I recently started lifting (not expecting any results soon, but still) and i’m wondering how long it will take until you can see the first results.

I’ll be doing chest and biceps every monday and friday, shoulders, legs and triceps on wednesday and sunday. (All exercises in 3 sets with the weights so i can do about 8-12 reps until failure)

Each workout takes about 45-60 minutes. Short rests (1 min) since i recover really quickly

Also how can i train my neck to become really big without any extra equipment except free weights? So no chainy thing either

Thanks in advance
Are you talking body composition or differences in overall strength?
This is a strength and conditioning forum. The goals here are performance-based. Improving your physique is not what this forum is about.

You'd be better off visiting or reddit.
OP dont do that. Look into a novice program like starting strength and thank me later. or dont
This is difficult because I don’t know how much effort your putting out. What you eat and the sleep your getting. With that said 3 months you might notice slight toning in your body. Everyone is different, good luck to you.
I would say 6 weeks and you will start seeing results. 12 weeks and others will see results. Especially if you are new to lifting. The gains come fast even when your diet isnt optimal. After the 1st 6-12 months of lifting the harder it gets.
Get you diet right as soon as possible. Track macros. I use myfitnesspal eat at a surplus and you are good to go.
My split is different but that doesnt matter i guess. I do chest/triceps monday, back/biceps tuesday, shoulders wednesday, biceps again thursday, FUCK LEG DAY. A day off and repeat.
I do tend to skip lifting on training days because i dont have the energy but i aim for at least 4 days lifting a week

I wasted at least 6 months lifting with bad form and no real programme and still saw some results but it could have been better
I would say 6 weeks and you will start seeing results. 12 weeks and others will see results. Especially if you are new to lifting. The gains come fast even when your diet isnt optimal. After the 1st 6-12 months of lifting the harder it gets.
Get you diet right as soon as possible. Track macros. I use myfitnesspal eat at a surplus and you are good to go.
My split is different but that doesnt matter i guess. I do chest/triceps monday, back/biceps tuesday, shoulders wednesday, biceps again thursday, FUCK LEG DAY. A day off and repeat.
I do tend to skip lifting on training days because i dont have the energy but i aim for at least 4 days lifting a week

I wasted at least 6 months lifting with bad form and no real programme and still saw some results but it could have been better
Thanks man! It’s not often someone actually gives a useful answer on here haha. And about the neck exercises, do you know any i can do with free weights only?
Thanks man! It’s not often someone actually gives a useful answer on here haha. And about the neck exercises, do you know any i can do with free weights only?
I dont do anything for neck, I do dumbell shrugs on shoulder day for traps though.
I take longer rest periods when im bulking as well usually 2 minutes.
Dont necessarily take my advice because things like 'starting strength' and 5 x5 workouts are proven. If I started over I would probably do them. I did jim stoppannis shortcut to strength after i had been lifting for a few months.
Diet and rest are massively important. and keep in mind I train for aesthetics only not strength
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For neck: front and back wrestler's bridges (no equipment needed). Barbell shrugs, cleans, plate neck flexion, resistance against towels etc.
This is a strength and conditioning forum. The goals here are performance-based. Improving your physique is not what this forum is about.

You'd be better off visiting or reddit.

And also this.

Like others have mentioned, so many other factors come into it. Training routine, type of lifts performed, diet and recovery.

If you instead focused on progressing on a decent strength / hypertrophy based program, along with sound nutrition and recovery practises, you may be surprised at the results in your physique after awhile.
I recently started lifting (not expecting any results soon, but still) and i’m wondering how long it will take until you can see the first results.

I’ll be doing chest and biceps every monday and friday, shoulders, legs and triceps on wednesday and sunday. (All exercises in 3 sets with the weights so i can do about 8-12 reps until failure)

Each workout takes about 45-60 minutes. Short rests (1 min) since i recover really quickly

Also how can i train my neck to become really big without any extra equipment except free weights? So no chainy thing either

Thanks in advance

Strength training requires a great deal of patience, as would any other worthy endeavor require. As a newbie, you'll be making fast gains (if that is, you're challenging yourself every training session), and perhaps you'll grow addicted to the rapid progress. But at some point, you will encounter numerous obstacles down the road (injuries, plateaus, etc), and you will need find ways to get past them and stick it out. Only the truly dedicated will find a way to overcome difficulties when the going gets tough; the weak and simple-minded will give up at the first signs of hardship.

So the question is: How bad do you want it?
Strength gain happens quickly at the start because you're just increasing the efficiency of your nervous system in firing the muscles. Recruiting more motor units. Basically telling the body it needs to stop holding so much in reserve.

Hypertrophy is a slow process of construction. Don't ask how long it will take but how you will do it, then do it forever. It's a flawed approach to be motivated by results, they will come and go with life, age, injury etc. What you need to do is get in a mindset of always pushing forwards regardless. Like brushing your teeth, you don't do it because of the lack of tooth decay, you decide that you will do it regardless, forever.
for physique results it's going to be more about diet than the actual workouts. You could lift your heart out and if your diet is crap you might as well be pissing up a rope. Pretty sure you don't want to be the fat guy wearing an under armour shirt to show off his biceps

I'd also recommend doing major compound lifts first: bench, SOHP, Squats, Deadlifts and pull ups/chin ups. With squats every workout. Quite simply check out the FAQ it'll help a lot.

Quite honestly I'd also evaluate why you want to do this, are you doing it just to look good for the ladies (or men if that's your thing) or do you want to compete? If it's just a vanity thing, odds are you'll lose interest and this will all be for naught. I don't do it for physique, so I can't relate, I do set goals such as getting ready for a race, a competition or something else that I "have to get ready for" it tends to keep me motivated and by motivated I don't just mean in the gym I mean in the kitchen as well. I have gotten so I don't feel right if I don't do something physical at least once a day but if I don't have a motivator I'll think nothing of eating a half gallon container of ice cream after.
I would recommend you research some hypertrophy programs and that have been tested and proven. You can find a bunch of different weekly splits so see what you like. I would suggest the splits you have listed above would not be your best bet.
I recently started lifting (not expecting any results soon, but still) and i’m wondering how long it will take until you can see the first results.

I’ll be doing chest and biceps every monday and friday, shoulders, legs and triceps on wednesday and sunday. (All exercises in 3 sets with the weights so i can do about 8-12 reps until failure)

Each workout takes about 45-60 minutes. Short rests (1 min) since i recover really quickly

Also how can i train my neck to become really big without any extra equipment except free weights? So no chainy thing either

Thanks in advance

If you want results - super visible results - P90X. 3 months and a real transformation, this is from experience. Do it right, eat right, and you'll be amazed.

Then, when you're done mirin your new body, start working on strength. 5/3/1 or Starting Strength will do great.
Three months if you aren’t a fat slob in the beginning. If your a decent low-med fat percentage you will see results if your working out correctly.

Don’t ego lift..quality reps over quantity.

Get rest,eat right.

Muscle isn’t grown in the gym ,it’s grow when your resting..over training equals no growth. Don’t over do it.

I find the don’t lift for physique crowd funny.

Sure you got some legit pros and amateur guys here and there who got strength targets but most lifters /gym rats want a nice body..

Anyone who says otherwise is bullshit. The idea that we lift to “lift more weight then the next guy” “push ourselves” is so gay.. we do it to improve our physique,if we had no physique /appearance gains then 90 percent of people wouldn’t even bother.

I lift to look good as fuck...strength is a bi product of that. I’m a carpenter so strength and health are a necessity but you don’t need four days a week to get that.

Seeing you body change and become physically nice is rewarding as fuck ,it’s a great motivator and will keep you going if you like the results enough,
Absolutely do not... care about others reasons or benchmarks..
Lift for yourself and plan your workout to target where you want improvement.

Also: p90x comment above is accurate.. that shit combined with weightlifting had the girls admiring like a mofo at the beach...wifey wasn’t to thrilled about it. She’s Latina, you know the rest lol
Three months if you aren’t a fat slob in the beginning. If your a decent low-med fat percentage you will see results if your working out correctly.

Don’t ego lift..quality reps over quantity.

Get rest,eat right.

Muscle isn’t grown in the gym ,it’s grow when your resting..over training equals no growth. Don’t over do it.

I find the don’t lift for physique crowd funny.

Sure you got some legit pros and amateur guys here and there who got strength targets but most lifters /gym rats want a nice body..

Anyone who says otherwise is bullshit. The idea that we lift to “lift more weight then the next guy” “push ourselves” is so gay.. we do it to improve our physique,if we had no physique /appearance gains then 90 percent of people wouldn’t even bother.

I lift to look good as fuck...strength is a bi product of that. I’m a carpenter so strength and health are a necessity but you don’t need four days a week to get that.

Seeing you body change and become physically nice is rewarding as fuck ,it’s a great motivator and will keep you going if you like the results enough,
Absolutely do not... care about others reasons or benchmarks..
Lift for yourself and plan your workout to target where you want improvement.

Also: p90x comment above is accurate.. that shit combined with weightlifting had the girls admiring like a mofo at the beach...wifey wasn’t to thrilled about it. She’s Latina, you know the rest lol
I’m doing it to look good, (since i’ve always been strong but skinny), but it also makes me feel better already, even without any results yet. Strength is a nice byproduct which motivates me for now. It seems like i’m already improving how much weight i can handle on the bench and it’s only my second chest workout since i started working out seriously (i work out at home and only just bought the right equipment like a bench and barbell, only had dumbells before that).

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