how long to lose 5 lbs in a sauna

you are only gonna lose the water in your body by sweating it out. if you want to lose weight (especially 5 pounds) hit the gym and watch what you eat!
The sauna is a good way to lose water weight. When I shed water weight I usually break a light sweat on a stationary bike then jump in the sauna another good way is to put some Abolene on then break a lighjt sweat then into the sauna the Abolene will open your pores up like none other and 5 pounds will be a snap. just be careful you dont dry out your sinus,s because that will make you nose bleed easier. One thing i do for this is to use some saline solution on a q-tip and lightly rub the inside of my nose.
diet and the gym no shit i fight saturday and just need to lose the last 4 or 5 to make a lower weight class
hey and boomstick wher can i get some of that stuff you mentioned for opening the pores
combatjujitsu said:
hey and boomstick wher can i get some of that stuff you mentioned for opening the pores
I get mine from walgreens or costco drug it is in the cosmetic ailse it is a makeup remover called albolene it will be in a white plastic jar with a blue lid it is the best shit for opening your pores to sweat and it makes your skin real shiny and clean for the after fight photos :)
Good luck on the fight bro and be safe
Hey Combat I think I may know you. Did you go to UVSC and or train at that non-profit place in Provo where Walt Bayless and the dude named Jason had classes also Mark Schultz was there for a while. I dont know why I think I know you but not to many people are from Toele lol. anyways if you are this guy I helped you out with some boxing and I gave you a tape of a kid you were fighting who I had wrestled in a freestyle meet and you never returned it lmfao. anyways let me know if you are this guy ccaus eI cant remember your/his name
never went to uvsc and this is my first nhb fight funny you know a guy from tooele thou i bet if you remember his last name i could find him and get your tape
I know i wish I had his last name he has 10 of my amature boxing fights and 2 toughman contests plus some wrestling matches. I know he did alot of rolling at Pedro Saurs gym and was aninternational business student at UVSC. He is a pretty muscular guy and has kind of those half closed sleepy eyes. anyways no biggie I not worried about the tapes.
Good luck on your fight

getting ready for first fight too.

does it makes sence to cut when you have a same day fight? Not 10 lbs but even 5lbs
ganderson said:
Good luck on your fight

getting ready for first fight too.

does it makes sence to cut when you have a same day fight? Not 10 lbs but even 5lbs
If you cut the wight properly it and you are in peak condition it makes alot of sense, because you have a chance of having an advantage before the fight even starts by being the bigger man. Liek me for example I walk around at 190-195 but I fight at 175 and have made 168 (although I felt like shit there.) I come intot he ring usually heavier and alot bigger than your standard 175 pounder.
There are right ways and wrong ways to cut weight and there also right ways and wrong ways to rehydrate after you cut the weight.
Comabtjujitsu did in fact win his macth by RNC fairly quick and did in fact make weight.
ganderson said:
Good luck on your fight

getting ready for first fight too.

does it makes sence to cut when you have a same day fight? Not 10 lbs but even 5lbs
10 pounds may be pushing it depending on how close to fight time you have to weigh in

I was like 189 a few weeks ago but have since started training full time and eating well, today I was 176, which is light for me. I took three weeks off to train, after that I leave the city for two weeks (hopefully only one) for buiss, then I have a week until the fight. So I may gain some of this back, I would ideally like to fight at 170 the day off.

Are their any good articles I should be reading, maybe I should just do a search but if you can give me a head start it is appreciated

Congrats on the win Combat - was your weigh in the same day - any thoughts
ya i weighed in at 5:30 and fought at about 7:15 i did exactley what boomstick said and felt awsome
ganderson said:

I was like 189 a few weeks ago but have since started training full time and eating well, today I was 176, which is light for me. I took three weeks off to train, after that I leave the city for two weeks (hopefully only one) for buiss, then I have a week until the fight. So I may gain some of this back, I would ideally like to fight at 170 the day off.

Are their any good articles I should be reading, maybe I should just do a search but if you can give me a head start it is appreciated

Congrats on the win Combat - was your weigh in the same day - any thoughts
If youneed help on the weight loss thing pm me and i will give you my secret recipe it is almost guaranteed to work I have used it for wrestling and boxing and never had any problems making weight or with being dried out or fatigued