How long do you train before getting injured

Some good advice above, I don't get to train much, only once a week, but a couple of things I now do at my age.
1. I never go 100 percent, I am there for fun, not competing, I leave my ego at home in the closet.
2. I am choosy about who I roll with now.
3. I know my "sensitive" areas (I have arthritis in both elbows and thumbs from jujitsu) so I tap early when those are involved.

Hope that helps getting back into it. I am 55 and hope to be rolling into my 70s.

Bry. Baddiehub
really helpful
So it seems like ever since my 20's after I gained my skills whenever I get back on the mat I get injured a few weeks into it bad enough that I can't train.

It happened with

A meniscus tare
An upper back thing
A popped rib
And now a fractured wrist

I know that injuries are inevitable in grappling and anyone who trains long enough will get as many injuries as those I listed but for me they seem to happen just a few weeks into it like as soon as I knock off the rust.

So how long have you guys been able to train grappling without getting injured?

Herniated discs
Hip bursitis
Golfer's elbow
Runner's knee + jumper's knee

And a lot of other things but who have calmed down since more or less

I'm always injured
You are either doing something wrong, or unfortunately you are very injury prone.
How long have you been training?

At twice a week you shouldn’t be accumulating these serious injuries lol.

Honestly some people’s bodies are just more fragile
could also be the gym he’s training at