How likely is it that O'Malley was injured?

Yo Mr. backlight, don't forget he was forcefully lobotomized soon after that ! :(
Firstly, I don't particularly like or dislike O'Malley, although having him as champ is better for the division.

With that said, anyone else think he looked off the entire time? His demeanor was completely different. He looked totally flat, sluggish, slow, uninterested. Also that weird "we’re almost done with this" comment from Tim Welch. Like.. what? It's as if he was injured or had an injury during camp but couldn't pull out due to it being the most important event of Dana's career.

That comment from Tim can't just be ignored. That's not what you say to a champion going into the last round of a fight they're losing. It felt like they knew that was going to happen. I know Leon wasn't the champ, but compare it to Leon's corner before the headkick. It was a similar situation.

I'm sure Merab's inbred fanboys will hate this but it is what it is. Something was off.

Him looking flat,slow, slugging, uninterested, etc. was just him losing all confidence and being demotivated, and that only happened after the first round when he realized he didn't have much to offer. Early on he looked completely fine.

The comment from Tim was odd, but it was just a result of how the fight was going. I highly doubt Suga would come in so injured that he couldn't be competitive, but then just fought anyway to please Dana. Suga isn't some idiot. I don't think he'd have thrown his belt away like that. The backstage money on offer would have had to have been enormous for him to consider it. I mean, he's already rich, and now he has to work his way back up to championship money.
He is still claiming he had the best cut ever, a great camp, felt great, didn't feel off, was healthy, and was just beat by the guy who was the better fighter that night. He doesn't like losing but he's giving 100% credit to Merab.

1 - this makes me respect him more

2 - I'm, likewise, giving Merab 100% of the credit

I think he was healthy and in great shape for the fight.

He's claiming that he got injured 10 weeks ago and it requires surgery
He could have been just like Merab might have been coming back fom staph. It doesnt matter though.
Getting outclassed usually makes you look different than normal. It wasn't a situation that he was winning until he got caught. He was having his weakness tested the whole fight.
Well he is getting surgery apparently so it makes sense. But injured or not, I don’t think it would have changed much.
Well tbh there a pretty fair chance most fighters are carrying an injury into a fight after a long hard camp. But I believe he said he's already scheduled for surgery. You don't get surgery just to keep up an appearance
Him looking flat,slow, slugging, uninterested, etc. was just him losing all confidence and being demotivated, and that only happened after the first round when he realized he didn't have much to offer. Early on he looked completely fine.

The comment from Tim was odd, but it was just a result of how the fight was going. I highly doubt Suga would come in so injured that he couldn't be competitive, but then just fought anyway to please Dana. Suga isn't some idiot. I don't think he'd have thrown his belt away like that. The backstage money on offer would have had to have been enormous for him to consider it. I mean, he's already rich, and now he has to work his way back up to championship money.
The sphere card isn't something you could really pull out of. Not with the amount of money invested in it and him as the headliner. Big events are hard to pull out of, it's one of the reasons why early on, Conor never pulled out of fights, even with serious injuries. Way too much money, time, energy and everything else is invested. Then you make an enemy of the UFC who up until that point has been on your side.

A hip injury is very significant, even Cejudo had inside info of his camp before the fight and insinuated he was injured, couldn't get off his back, etc. The injury was discussed before the fight a few times, just not taken seriously, nor was it disclosed exactly what it was.

Merab is good but it's not like Sean didn't have multiple opportunities to implement his game. He basically did nothing, looking like bj penn before the 3rd Edgar fight, not even wanting to be there.

At first, I think most just assumed he had an off night or whatever, even all the fighters who commented on it. It happens.

a hip injury makes a lot of sense though. Cripples your ability to wrestle, grapple, put that torque into your punches, kicks and knees. Could even affect your ability to do cardio as efficiently. That in itself will create a mental block which could influence your willingness to even take a chance. Hence him throwing like 5 punches in a few rounds.

His wrestling looked good against Yan, it's one of the reasons I picked him against Aljo. You don't just forget how to wrestle or get up off your back.

Ultimately, we'll just have to wait and see how he comes back from it.