How has BJJ changed your life?

Met my GF coming home from training, kinda counts.

Signed up for and had an MMA fight, got a bunch of free training and met or trained with Hunto, Royce, Pulver, Graham etc etc.

Probably the biggest way it changed my life is I stopped going out and getting drunk each weekend. Oh and I paid more attention to my diet, I still eat bad things but now I also eat healthy things.

A dislocated AC joint and the next 4-6 weeks off work with possible surgery :icon_cry2

but other than that, it makes me feel good, I am a more relaxed person when I'm getting my regular BJJ fix.

Its easier to ignore stupid people. I drive slower & don't get road rage. Im more willing to say sorry to my wife, even when she is wrong.


It confirms for her that you are wrong, while you remain sure you are right.
Apologise for upsetting her with your actions but do not apologise for doing nothing wrong.
It just delays the argument and then it snowballs into a huge argument later.
Oh and BJJ taught me to hate fanboys and that the UFC hates grapplers