Require medical price transparency would help. I belong to a non profit Christian health sharing program. The Christian program covers my health care needs but works differently from traditional health insurance. A big difference is that as a member I am required to shop around, when possible, and choose low cost health care services. It is amazing at how large price differences can be between hospitals. As a result members of the non profit Christian health sharing program shopping around for best health care pricing, my health care coverage costs are about half the price of what others pay for health insurance. At least it is about half the price of people I know who I asked what they were paying for health insurance.
I believe this is something that soon to be President Trump is planning to address.
From last week I read this ~
How Trump can double down on price transparency for patients
When he returns to office,
President-elect Trump has the opportunity to fix the broken American health care system by doubling down on his first-term agenda of delivering price transparency for patients.
Instead of protecting American patients, the Biden administration rescinded or failed to fully implement the very basic requirements that patients should know the cost of their treatment before they get it.
By finally removing the veil between
medical services and prices, Trump can empower patients to shop for the right care at the right price, avoid overcharges, and give employers and unions a better idea of the costs in advance so that they can optimally design health benefits. ....