How do I put on an fg 5000?


Orange Belt
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
I just got my fg 5000 silver and green winning headgear and I'm starting to think I got it in a size too small. I use the fg 2900 in large, but my coach told me to get my next headgear in medium. so I did, now my headgear is either too small, or I'm doing something wrong.

My forehead absolutely aches if I have this thing on for 30 seconds. I got punched lightly in the face with it and the chin strap sortve chokes me if the headgear moves back. the headgear also makes no contact with my cheeks, just my forehead. also it's extremely stiff, everything about it is stiff as a rock.

the main thing is, can somebody explain how to put this thing on without having so much pressure against my forehead?
I should also add that it moves slightly even if I get tapped
I hate to say it but perhaps you've got the wrong size. But.........

I would try and change the balance of where the laces are tight between the laces on top and the laces on the back.

If it's too tight on your forehead you might need to loosen the laces at the back. If it moves a lot, perhaps the laces at the top are allowing too much movement because they are loose? If the laces on top are too lose your probably overcompensating by tightening the back laces and thats giving you the headache.

See there is a seam inside the headgear.

This is my forehead because of the seam


Now I do not have a scar on my forehead. this is indeed because of the seam inside of the headgear
Well seeing as it's a custom headgear I guess your pretty much committed to using it lol.

You could try wearing a bandanna underneath (also helps to soak up sweat) or perhaps put some athletic tape over the seam?

Might as well snap a pic of the front of the headgear while your at it mate! I'm keen to see the custom work!
Sounds too small

What I recommend:
1. IMPORTANT: Take a picture of your head gear and post it up here for all of us to see

2. Ask Winning if they can help you with sizing
I emailed winning, but to be honest it's bad on their part for not having adequate size charts. my head is 23 inches, narrow face, ect. and I still ended up getting a size too small. on my large fg 2900 I pull the laces all the way to get that right fit, so naturally I thought a medium would fit my head better, but that is not the case.
A couple of suggestions that I think could help. First, tighten the laces up on top a bit more, so that the bar stands a little bit higher on the bridge of your nose. Second, I would try to bend the bar a little bit to help reduce the pressure on your forehead, it'll bring the bar closer to your nose, but should help improve the comfort. Hope everything goes well for you!
My fg5000 feels tight on the forehead part. You just have to loosen the laces and prepare for it to shift or just deal with it. Helps to take off your headgear time to time to let your head decompress. Can you take a behind picture to show us how the laces are in the back?
Thanks everybody, but somehow I just re-did the laces for like the 100th time and now it fits very well.
His ears are in the right place, looks normal to me.
if anything, I might just get a large later on, too see if that makes any difference. I'm sure it will, but it felt very weird on my head, tight, I just smacked the bar while it was on me and the chin strap sort of choked me. Also the strap was very very stiff. I might get a buckle strap on my next one
Just keep it around for a little bit and see if it works out.
You are losing your mind, it is the Cleto Reyes that chokes you... - he said sarcastically.
Is the fg 5000 supposed to be as stiff as a brand new cleto reyes glove? it's kind of bulky and very stiff. the padding is nothing like the fg 2900. Will it break in over time, or will it stay stiff?