How come nobody tried to mess with Mike Tyson in prison? He was only 5'10 and 215


Mar 13, 2017
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Mike was only 5 foot 10 and 215 pounds and had short arms. Mike said when he was in prison he never had anyone test him and claimed people were very nice to him giving him extra food and drinks because he was a simple guy and wasn't acting like a gangster. Do you buy this? I think Tyson probably got extra stuff because they feared him, but he claims nobody tried to test him in the pen.

I would expect someone to at least test him and size him up seeing how small he was, a lot of other fighters in the early UFC including Shamrock said tough guys in bars would try to size them up and say this guy aint so big I can take him.

Here is Mike right out of Prison he looked like a killer

American former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Mike Tyson. In 2005 he said "I measured myself as 5ft 10in....I'm a f****** dwarf!" and again in 2013, "I'm only a small guy, I'm five foot ten"


I found this video of Tysons hotel lobby brawl, where he knocked out 3 guys who tried to ask for his autograph but these guys at least tried to fight back.

Mike Tyson and Bob Knight scare the absolute shit out of me.
not like they would put him in a section with top category prisoners..
im sure he was with people who did pleb level crimes.
Yeah, most inmates probably saw Mike leave dudes looking like they were DEAD in the ring.
Brazilian prison vs prime Mike Tyson would've been the greatest reality show ever.
Wasn't he in prison in Indiana? That flyover state is full of cans.
He spent time in a prison located in the middle of nowhere.
There were no street gangs in Indiana during that time.
Only a few biker gangs existed.
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probably a combination of a lot of respect, definitely some fear and a lot of money
You would've have to be mentally challenged in order to want to mess with a prime Mike Tyson. By far he was the scariest man on the planet.
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Wasn't the movie undisputed based on his time in prison?

If that's true, he got beat.
Football players talked shit about how he wasn't that big. Pretty much every boxing champ had at least one guy challenge him in a bar b/c he wasn't that big.

Burt Reynolds talked about the time he was in the bar and thought he could take out Rocky Marciano
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I'd love to see your porn search history.
Funny story. I beat the shit out of a basketball player in high school who was talking shit about Mike Tyson cause he was small. This was like 1991
I remember when he was in prison and watching the news talking about him being in several fights. I'm looking now but can't find any reports or anything showing that to be the case though.
You need to project a certain image when you're in prison. Getting flatlined by a short dude with a squeaky voice would make you a punk. Also, Tyson's career was extremely high profile and everyone knew he had the power and speed to wreck professional fighters. Joe Blow inmate has enough street smarts to know that fucking with Kid Dynamite will only end with unconsciousness and probably eating through a tube for the rest of your life.
Because he could punch a hole through someone, especially with bare knuckles.

That's why.
What's crazy is that TS was literally sitting around thinking up ideas as to why people didn't mess with Mike Tyson. Having been unable to reach a solid conclusion, he decided it was worthy of making a thread about.
He spent time in a prison located in the middle of nowhere.
There were no street gangs in Indiana during that time.
Only a few biker gangs existed.

Gary, Indiana had the highest murder rate in 1993.

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