How attached are you to your gym?

my gym is where i lift weights and stuff
its a YMCA, im not very attached to it at all just go there since its closest

my dojo I am a bit more attached to. I could move if I had to though I think
I love my muay gym it's produced quite a few champion pro fighters and has great guys there to train with. All the fighters are happy to help and since everyone spars together you improve super quickly

Whats the name of your gym.....?
I'm attached to the people and certain trainers but the head trainer sucks dick atm so wouldnt mind it that bad yo switch. Mainly because I know that I'll leave with quite a few of my mates from the gym if I ever leave, thinkin of doing so its bad coaching atm
Not very attached even though they think we are a "big family" there is a lot of people i dont care for.
it'd be hard for me to train anywhere else. i pretty much trust my kru with my life as well as all of my training partners
I notice how many people mention they might not be getting the most optimal training. Reminds me of the saying the grass isnt always greener on the other side. Seems to be a universal feeling that we might not be training at the highest possible level. Found that interesting.
I just started boxing back at a local community centre after taking a long break due to studies. The turnover rate is high where I am now and, even though I am three months in, I can only recognize by name five other boxers. The coaches are nice though and I will miss them should I go/they retire. The aforementioned boxers also come across as friendly and knowledgable. However, there ARE a small minority of guys who spoil the fun for everyone else (like given unwarranted advice) and, of course, there are the people who turn up once or twice then never again.