How are these EFA's I am taking?


Blue Belt
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
It has Organic flaxseed oil, borage seed oil, fish oil, gelatin, glycerin, water and mixed tocopherols.

Per serving:
Alpha-Linolenic Acid [ALA] (omega-3) 540mg - 600mg
Docosahexaenoic Acid [DHA] (omega-3) 114mg - 144mg
Eicosapentaenoic Acid [EPA] (omega-3) 171mg - 216mg
Gamma-Linolenic Acid [GLA] (omega-6) 250mg - 288mg
Linoleic Acid (omega-6) 567mg - 630mg
Oleic Acid (omega-9) 458mg - 600mg

Are these good, or should I look for something different.
Looks pretty good to me. Are they capsules?
9 times out of 10 EFA's are softgels.
niagareven said:
It has Organic flaxseed oil, borage seed oil, fish oil, gelatin, glycerin, water and mixed tocopherols.

Per serving:
Alpha-Linolenic Acid [ALA] (omega-3) 540mg - 600mg
Docosahexaenoic Acid [DHA] (omega-3) 114mg - 144mg
Eicosapentaenoic Acid [EPA] (omega-3) 171mg - 216mg
Gamma-Linolenic Acid [GLA] (omega-6) 250mg - 288mg
Linoleic Acid (omega-6) 567mg - 630mg
Oleic Acid (omega-9) 458mg - 600mg

Are these good, or should I look for something different.

I think you seriously need to up the DHA and EPA (the Omega-3's). That's what's so difficult to get from your diet, anyway.
So should I just look for an only omega-3 supplement and take it in addition to this? or look for another bottle like this, just with more omega 3's in them?
You are roughly getting 1g of omegan-3. You can safely take 5 times that much.

And a question of my own.

Do we not get plenty of omega-6 in our diets anyway? Why supplement it?
Cooz said:
You are roughly getting 1g of omegan-3. You can safely take 5 times that much.

And a question of my own.

Do we not get plenty of omega-6 in our diets anyway? Why supplement it?

Thats what I keep hearing is we get enough. I personally use flax seed oil as it has both omega-3 and omega-6, with a lot more omega-3 in it. comes from fats found in meat and such. I don't know if it's just saturated fats or all non-fish based fats period.

Now in order to get the benefits of Omega-3 you want to build a nice ratio of 3 to 6. It will actually take some time for your body to go through the chemical change to reap the benefits.

Honestly, I think these companies are selling these omega-6 supplements to cash in on the "omega" name.
Cooz said: comes from fats found in meat and such. I don't know if it's just saturated fats or all non-fish based fats period.

Now in order to get the benefits of Omega-3 you want to build a nice ratio of 3 to 6. It will actually take some time for your body to go through the chemical change to reap the benefits.

Honestly, I think these companies are selling these omega-6 supplements to cash in on the "omega" name.

From WholeHealthMD:

"Good dietary sources of omega-6 fatty acids include cereals, eggs, poultry, most vegetable oils, whole-grain breads, baked goods, and margarine.

Interestingly, nutritionists are now finding that omega-6s and omega-3s will only maintain their status as "good" fats when you get relatively balanced amounts of both. Unfortunately, most Western diets today are heavy on omega-6's, often at the expense of omega-3s. This means that, except as an adjunct to certain health conditions, omega-6 supplements are probably not necessary."

So yeah, ditch the Omega 6 and get a fish oil pill that's exclusively Omega 3. It'll be hjard enough with that to get the right ratio. I use flax in my MRP powder, but that's because an Omega-3 fat isn't yet offered in powder form (that I know of).
From the research I did (which was a decent amount) I found that Costco's Kirkland brand extra strength fish oil had 440mg of omega 3 per pill. 180 pills per box of $11. Best bang for the buck (and suprisingly the strongest dosage per pill).
From the research I did (which was a decent amount) I found that Costco's Kirkland brand extra strength fish oil had 440mg of omega 3 per pill. 180 pills per box of $11. Best bang for the buck (and suprisingly the strongest dosage per pill).
Yeah, Kirkland is the best deal.
Wait, would this stuff be per gel? or per serving? A serving is 3 soft gels. So if it's per gel, then I'm getting a lot more of everything than I thought I was.
Cooz said:
From the research I did (which was a decent amount) I found that Costco's Kirkland brand extra strength fish oil had 440mg of omega 3 per pill. 180 pills per box of $11. Best bang for the buck (and suprisingly the strongest dosage per pill).

make sure it is labeled as "pharmeceutical grade" fish oil. otherwise its most likely not fish oil at all.
niagareven said:
Wait, would this stuff be per gel? or per serving? A serving is 3 soft gels. So if it's per gel, then I'm getting a lot more of everything than I thought I was.

Pills per serving depends on manufacturer. If you read the label it will tell you.

I don't know about it having to be labeled pharmaceutical grade, but I do know that their oil is quality.
jkuhlmann said:
make sure it is labeled as "pharmeceutical grade" fish oil. otherwise its most likely not fish oil at all.

I don't know why they would be pharmaceutical grade since they're not a pharmaceutical.

Kirkland has tested out true to weight (better than many name brands).
Madmick said:
I don't know why they would be pharmaceutical grade since they're not a pharmaceutical.

Kirkland has tested out true to weight (better than many name brands).

its tested to meet a standard, and proves what they say is in it actually is. but in reality they could just throw the tag on anyway, does anyone actually look into claims?
Cooz said:
You are roughly getting 1g of omegan-3. You can safely take 5 times that much.

And a question of my own.

Do we not get plenty of omega-6 in our diets anyway? Why supplement it?

I was in the store and I wanted to buy something to up my omega-3's, so I was looking at flaxseed oils. The one I bought has 6grams per serving. Is this too much to take with my softgels? I also eat salmon a few times a week. Should I cut the serving in half on the flaxseed oil?