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Hooverball should be played at every school in every country of the whole planet


Savage Mystic
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
"Hoover-ball was played by teams of 2-4 players with a six-pound medicine ball over a net eight feet high on a court similar to one used for tennis. The game was scored exactly like tennis, and played in similar fashion. The server throws the ball. The opponent must catch it on the fly and immediately return it, attempting to put it where it cannot be reached and returned. The side that misses the ball or throws it out of bounds loses the point."

GENIUS!!! Though, I think a 9 or 12 lb medicine ball should be used, I can see starting with a six and moving on from there. now if I can just find 3 other people to play it with me. Why isn't this a competetive sport?! You could have a 1.5 second shot clock to make sure that nobody was holding onto the ball for too long, and have a ref watch for anyone moving with the ball etc. this is a great game!

and now the rules:
yeah, i read about that shit on danny john's site and crossfit... sounds badass, problem is finding people to play with!
Hey, wrestling has an off season right? really i was thinking junior high. High school too, but I think boxing and wrestling should be more prevelant in HS.
Urban said:
Hey, wrestling has an off season right? really i was thinking junior high. High school too, but I think boxing and wrestling should be more prevelant in HS.

Haha, I was kiddin' about the 'bein' a man' thing. Actually man, that hooverball sounds pretty friggin' cool. Imagine the shoulder strength, core strength, and stamina a kid in junior high and high school would get from just playing that...I wish they would've had something like that at my school...I know I would've definitely been up for something like that.

My uncles used to play a game like that in the pool at our family reunions when I was a little kid ... ... ... except they used ME as "the ball". haha :D
yeah, and PE class. that'd be great. Get all the kids with no athletic ambition playing hooverball and watch them transform.
Urban said:
yeah, and PE class. that'd be great. Get all the kids with no athletic ambition playing hooverball and watch them transform.

...shoot man, the more I think about it, the more I think that it would be a nice, fun workout for me, too ... I guess that'd help with explosiveness, right?
for sure. It's just some fun shit to do outside of your normal workout. Dan john reccomended it for throwing technique, but I think it's great for many athletic traits. I mean you gotta learn to be quick on your feet, able to absorb forces, and push them back out with relative precision and power. I think it may be the only team sport worth playing.
Urban said:
I think it may be the only team sport worth playing.

I don't know, man...this one time in 8th grade, we were watching some video in class on different cultures, and this one group of people like in Albania or something were playing baseball... ... ...except, they were all riding goats. It was like, exactly like baseball, but they were all on goats. It was crazy. And when they'd hit the ball with the stick, they'd take off on their goats and steer them in the right direction to hit the bases.... And I remember it showed this one guy swung at the ball (atop his goat) and he lost his balance and he fell off his goat... ...it was hilarious...we could NOT stop laughing...one of my friends had to be taken outside because he couldn't stop laughing.... I've never seen anything else like it...even the 'fielders' were on goats and had like a lacrosse stick/net to get the ball up off of the ground...

Now THAT...that AND hooverball I would like to play. I don't think the goat baseball would be that good of an exercise, though, unless you wanted to get better at riding goats...
Doge ball was the best fun I ever had in phys ed. You made me think how funny(in a sadistic way) it would be if the government made it compulsory to use medicine balls for dodge ball. Kids would be getting KOed left right and centre.
As a sport, it's nothing compared to volleyball, but as an offseason cross-training game? Yeah, that sounds fun as hell. I wish I were back in NYC. I would take a medicine ball out to Central Park and see if I could pick up a game.
Damn, that sounds like fun. Just sounds like a great way to stick in a different workout when I feel the need for a change.
I think it may be the only team sport worth playing.
Either you're forgetting or have never played murderball in boxing gloves.
Gym class would be a good place, but have you seen high school kids lately? I used to coach HS kids and unless they're involved in a sport I think they'd be a little too soft for this, and 9lb med ball to the face = law suit. I like it though
Thread Necro FTW!

I gotta see if any of my friends are willing to play this game.
I have yet to find 3 idiots to play this game with. This makes me sad.