"HIV is spread through racism, sexism, and homophobia" - do you agree?

Actually Charlize, its spread through contact with contaminated bodily fluid -- more specifically semen, blood, anal and vaginal fluids and i think breast milk as well.

As to why it's more prevalent among african people, i think it may have to do with their befuddlement with the mechanics of a condom:




And i think their women suffer because their men are rapey motherfuckers.
I personally think it's spread by prostitutes, needle sharing and selfish humans that know they have it and won't be precautious
It's primarily transmitted through lack of foresight and freaky-ass time travelers who have a thing for Haitians.
Oh of course its white people's fault that addicts use dirty needles and gays rail each other up the ass with no condoms.
Wow Charlize is a piece of shit. Celebrities full of hot air and no logic pushing the liberal agenda. Wtf.

Here are the real causes of AIDS epidemic in your country


Basically politicians and their ministers didn't believe HIV caused AIDS and that Manto woman suggested a diet of garlic to cure it. Then they tried a fake drug called Virodene. International groups offered real treatment and prevention techniques but the gov didn't accept it

Meanwhile people believed they could cure themselves by raping virgins.
Typical of a racist liberal that believes the people that are most affected by AIDS are not personally culpable.
I personally think it's spread by prostitutes, needle sharing and selfish humans that know they have it and won't be precautious

This, and people mainly in Africa who are uniformed or misinformed by witch doctors etc. Which makes up a good proportion of people who are HIV positive. Also, a pope did visit South Africa to spread the message that condoms were a sin a few years ago, which isn't going to help matters.
Why are many celebs so librul regressive left.

Batfleck and Clooney come to mind.


Isolated, cosy environment with more money than sense, coupled with "being nice" (read as not having any "negative opinion" on anything controversial) as a soft-requirement for even more money. Oh and everyone sucking up to you self-replicates a unrealistic ideal.
HIV is spread through sharing needles and engaging in unprotected sex; especially anal sex. Science.
HIV is spread through sharing needles and engaging in unprotected sex; especially anal sex. Science.
Anal sex can really destroy the anus so bad they will have permanent effects.

I have 22yr old colleague at work he is gay he complained that his Muslim boyfriend destroyed his Anus and that it hurts when he takes a seat.
"She went on to voice something others might dare not"

Yea how brave of her. It takes real balls in the current political climate to blame the plight of minorities on white people. I just hope she can still get work after this.
"She went on to voice something others might dare not"

Yea how brave of her. It takes real balls in the current political climate to blame the plight of minorities on white people. I just hope she can still get work after this.
She will probably get more work after this...club Hollyweird rewards retardation like this
Anal sex can really destroy the anus so bad they will have permanent effects.

I have 22yr old colleague at work he is gay he complained that his Muslim boyfriend destroyed his Anus and that it hurts when he takes a seat.
It's actually called Gay Bowel Syndrome.

...that Manto woman suggested a diet of garlic to cure it .

That really works. My chiropractor tried it and his homeopath told him he was cured after only two months of an all garlic diet.
Nobody except white people are responsible for any ill in the world. Wtf

Seriously though, it's lack of education and a lack of caring. That's all it takes to stop it.