Hip sled question

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MC Paul Barman

Gold Belt
Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2002
Reaction score
What's a decent amount of weight to do on the hip sled for a lady?
My wife is 5'10, kind of lanky, but she's able to put 6 45lb discs on the sled as well as 2 - 25lb discs and can rep it regularly.
Is that alot or nothing all that impressive.
Who cares about the fucking hip sled? Get her squatting.

you too you queer.
Who cares about the fucking hip sled? Get her squatting.

you too you queer.

Be nice.

I'm not certain what ROM means.

It seemed like alot to me. I think the unit itself weighs quite abit. I was using the boxing bag in the gym and noticed that she was doing quite a bit of reps on the machine.
Range Of Movement

And I have no idea what a "hip sled" is - I thought this was about pulling a sled around...
hip sled:

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