I don't see the issue. Outside of crazed conspiracy theorists who can't hold jobs. Who else actually believes this is some sinister plot?
Iran is a 2nd coming of Nazi Germany in many ways. But worse... I am not sure who you are trying to upset. Most of this board is anti Hillary but pro Trump, and Trump is pro Israel (and against the Iran deal unlike Hillary). So who are you trying to get behind your propaganda?
There is no doubt that Israel is one of our greatest allies. Only the UK or France (maybe) coming before. It also isn't crazy to say that an empowered Israel and stable Middle Eastern states means a more peaceful middle east. States like Jordan, Turkey, etc long for the terrorists funding Iran to go under.
Let us also note that only psychopaths are still defending Assad the Butcher. And let us also note that helping free the people of Syria from the Butcher is a noble and humanitarian cause. Free Syria and in turn weaken the rogue terrorist cause of Hezbollah which is undermining the Lebanese people and government. Do that and then Iran will fall as the people will eventually take back their country to the glorious days pre 1979 when women and men were truly free in more ways than today.