Hernia surgery


Purple Belt
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone else ever get it? How long were you out from grappling? Doctor made it sound like I could go back to it after a couple of weeks and take it easy. Anyone else deal with this?
i had two femoral hernias went in for surgery, then was told to rest for 2 to 6 weeks i actually started rolling about a week in a half in I took it pretty easy though for like another week until i felt confident enough to roll with the big guys again... so depending on how u feel it's up to u
just out of curiosity how did it happen; Awkward thing with me is that I was doing focus mitts relatively light and them BAM!!! pain, for a moment i thought it was my balls but felt around and immediately i was like damn HERINAS
Mine was a left inguinal that I think I actually just grew up with. I've had it as long as I can remember, but it, unsurprisingly, is inconvenient, especially in BJJ.
I had a right inguinal hernia repair and it sucked. I had the incision vs laproscopic and I was out for about 5 weeks before coming back slowly, but that was while I was training Muay Thai. You don't realize how much you use your lower abs until you have this surgery.
So you had open rather than laproscopic? Ouch, that's supposed to take a lot longer to recover from.
Two years ago I had an umbilical hernia. I had it repaired and didn't need the mesh for the repair. I was told to take off six weeks and start back slowly. I can still feel the scar tissue at times pulling. I received this tear from powerlifting. I still lift but no power lifting, don't want to go through that again.
I've had an inguinal hernia on each side. Both times inscision. Mesh on the right. Took about 5-6 weeks to start back up. It's a bitch.
Had surgery on May 15, went back to class for the first time last night and felt great. The doctor told me on Monday I had no restrictions, so I went planning to take it super easy, and found I didn't even have to take it as easy as I had thought.

I had virtually no surgery-related pain, the only time I felt anything was if someone put their weight directly on my hips from mount (in which case I felt a little pressure where the mesh is but no pain), or if I tried to bridge from underneath someone.

I'm very pleased to be back rolling.
someone from our school had a hernia surgery, was out for nearly 2 months
I've been training Muay Thai for the last 7 years. Two weeks ago, after coming home from doing sprints, I felt terrible pain on the left side of my lower back, that's only getting worse. The doctor gave me painkillers and I have to go back tomorrow to see what's wrong with me.
I'm really affraid it's hernia and my life as I knew it until two weeks ago is over.

To all of you who had it, is it possible to continue with martial arts, running once you have hernia?
I've been training Muay Thai for the last 7 years. Two weeks ago, after coming home from doing sprints, I felt terrible pain on the left side of my lower back, that's only getting worse. The doctor gave me painkillers and I have to go back tomorrow to see what's wrong with me.
I'm really affraid it's hernia and my life as I knew it until two weeks ago is over.

To all of you who had it, is it possible to continue with martial arts, running once you have hernia?

Hernia in your back? Are you perhaps confusing "a hernia" with a herniated disk? The sort of hernia's that were being discussed were inguinal/abdominal ones.

As it happens I have had inguinal hernias on both sides and had them repaired successfully and now I can barely tell I had them.

Don't start worrying until they've told you that you actually have something to worry about! :D
i had two femoral hernias went in for surgery, then was told to rest for 2 to 6 weeks i actually started rolling about a week in a half in I took it pretty easy though for like another week until i felt confident enough to roll with the big guys again... so depending on how u feel it's up to u
just out of curiosity how did it happen; Awkward thing with me is that I was doing focus mitts relatively light and them BAM!!! pain, for a moment i thought it was my balls but felt around and immediately i was like damn HERINAS

My experience as well.