Herb is the best Referee in MMA.


Ominous Flesh Discipline
Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2012
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I think Herb is very well the best Ref in MMA. There has not been one stoppage where I thought he fucked up, yes that includes the Fedor/Hendo fight, always gets in there in time. A ref is always supposed to make sure the fighter does not take more damage than he needs and Herb, depends the situations/caliber of the fight, makes sure this is always done. Just showing props to this great ref.
Well he did mess up the Dodson/Dillashaw fight pretty badly but yeah, I think he catches a lot of flak for a guy who usually does a pretty good job.
you say this a few minutes after he let a fighter continue fighting as he held his mouth guard, followed by Roy head hunting after he saw Matt with no mouth guard.

Herb Dean seems to fuck something up every show he's on lately. Not even close to the best ref in the business.

Josh Rosenthal = the man
Nope, Kevin Mulhall and Chip Snider are way better.
you say this a few minutes after he let a fighter continue fighting as he held his mouth guard, followed by Roy head hunting after he saw Matt with no mouth guard.

Herb Dean seems to fuck something up every show he's on lately. Not even close to the best ref in the business.

Josh Rosenthal = the man

Lol did you not see, you probably didn't, the situation the fighters were in BEFORE Roy TKOd Matt? If Herb came in it would have threw off both fighters and not gave us that great finish.
Lol did you not see, you probably didn't, the situation the fighters were in BEFORE Roy TKOd Matt? If Herb came in it would have threw off both fighters and not gave us that great finish.

re watch the fight homie, there was a good 10 seconds of Matt and Roy standing there squared up without throwing shit, Herb could have stopped it easily

also Matt with his mouth piece and the ref doing his job of safety for the fighters Roy might not have gotten that CHEAP finish
herb shouldn't have stopped the fight for the mouthpiece, only if there is a lul in the action.

and from what i remember, they were going at it untill the finish. he should not interrupt the flow of the fight.
Nah bro Rosenthal is the best,

Hes messed up like once,

I like how Josh takes into consideration each fighters history of being able to take punishment and give them more chances to defend themselves in fights.

Eg, Stann vs Leben, Chris got finished but Josh gave him the respect he deserves and this way there was no doubt left as to wether Chris could have made a zombie comeback like he is known to do.

I just wish Josh reffed Hendo vs Fedor, just a couple more seconds is all i want so that way any doubt would be cleared, either Fedor makes the comeback or Hendo finishes him.
Honestly, I think Marc Goddard is the best. I can't remember a bad call from the dude. I feel like there has never been a complaint about him and that he's one of the most consistent ref's in the business, and every time he's reffing a fight, I know that whatever the outcome is, it'll be the right one. Unless the judges fuck it up, but you know what I mean.
Josh Rosenthal, Big John, And Yves Lavigne are all better imo.
no way...

Rosenthal and Mirgliotta are much better imo...

I know rosenthal has gotten pressure for a couiple late stoppages, but he's reffed some excellent fights that I could have seen herb, lavine or mazegati fouling up.
Who did the barry-kongo fight? I really respected that ref. Hes the one that allways comes out with: i want to give every fighter a chance to come back.
He's better than most. He is or was a fighter so that does help. But also when these guys do mess up, remember, they are human. Shit happens. And if you are also a fan, that must be hard......you have the best seat in the house and someone gets hit or what ever you are like "Oh shit" and then instantly have to go back to work.
not sure if he is the best, but he shouldn't be getting crap about the mouthpiece.
re watch the fight homie, there was a good 10 seconds of Matt and Roy standing there squared up without throwing shit, Herb could have stopped it easily

also Matt with his mouth piece and the ref doing his job of safety for the fighters Roy might not have gotten that CHEAP finish

Lol hater... Sure the referee is going to stop when 2 HW's are with in striking range of each other. If one of them would have let up I'm sure he would have. And no, just no the uppercut had some spice but that shot to the temple is what got Meathead.

Josh, Herb, and Big J and definitely the best in the biz.