Help upgrading my routine!!!!! 3 day split



Hey guys this is my first here you guys all seem like you have great routines and help each other out alot. I just got back into lifting about 2 months ago and have finally gotten my muscles and everything back into the kind of shape where i can start lifting really hard again without hurting myself. Right now i can lift about 3 day per week. Over my winter break i lifted 5 days a week and lifted two body parts per day. now that im back at school im doing upper body then lower body split. Heres my routine over the last couple weeks. Id like an upgrade if you guys think you could improve my routine over a three day split.

UPPER BODY 6-8 rep range

barbell or dumbell flat bench 3 sets plus warm up set
dumbell or machine rows 3 sets
military press 3 sets
pull ups 3 sets
dumbell curls three sets
skull crushers or cable pull downs 3 sets

squats 4 sets starting at 12 reps down to 4 reps with heavier weight each time
power cleans 3 sets 6 reps
barbell lunges 3 sets
hamstring curls 3 sets
calve raises 3 sets

I alternate these each work out with a day between each workout. Any help would be great guys. Thanks.
Have you read the stickies? I personally think heavy deadlifts are one of the most functional exercises a boxer can do. in addition, calf raises, curls (hamstring and bicep) and cable tricep extensions are unneccessary and not conducive for an athletic routine IMO.
Either read Carnal's treatise or go to Urbans website, both will give you example three day splits which will sort you out to begin with, then come back with any follow up questions.
You can scrap the isolation work. I'd also consider a unilateral hip-dominant lowerbody movement so yur routine may look like this

db or bb bench
military press
bb rows

unilateral hip dominant lower body

OU-BOXER said:
Hey guys this is my first here you guys all seem like you have great routines and help each other out alot. I just got back into lifting about 2 months ago and have finally gotten my muscles and everything back into the kind of shape where i can start lifting really hard again without hurting myself. Right now i can lift about 3 day per week. Over my winter break i lifted 5 days a week and lifted two body parts per day. now that im back at school im doing upper body then lower body split. Heres my routine over the last couple weeks. Id like an upgrade if you guys think you could improve my routine over a three day split.

UPPER BODY 6-8 rep range

barbell or dumbell flat bench 3 sets plus warm up set
dumbell or machine rows 3 sets
military press 3 sets
pull ups 3 sets
dumbell curls three sets
skull crushers or cable pull downs 3 sets

squats 4 sets starting at 12 reps down to 4 reps with heavier weight each time
power cleans 3 sets 6 reps
barbell lunges 3 sets
hamstring curls 3 sets
calve raises 3 sets

I alternate these each work out with a day between each workout. Any help would be great guys. Thanks.
Urban said:
Have you read the stickies? I personally think heavy deadlifts are one of the most functional exercises a boxer can do. in addition, calf raises, curls (hamstring and bicep) and cable tricep extensions are unneccessary and not conducive for an athletic routine IMO.

Deadlifting is important for ANY athlete whose sport requires a degree of strength in order to succeed. Add deadlifts immediately!
thanks for the help guys i need to do deadlifts i always hears that. I need to look at some pics and work on that technique ive always been a little scared to do them because i hurt my back before squating and deadlifting looks like you could screw your back up if you didnt have perfect technique.
OU-BOXER said:
thanks for the help guys i need to do deadlifts i always hears that. I need to look at some pics and work on that technique ive always been a little scared to do them because i hurt my back before squating and deadlifting looks like you could screw your back up if you didnt have perfect technique.

Start light and have somebody to be VERY honest with you about your form. Deadlifts are awesome.
Urban said:
Have you read the stickies? I personally think heavy deadlifts are one of the most functional exercises a boxer can do. in addition, calf raises, curls (hamstring and bicep) and cable tricep extensions are unneccessary and not conducive for an athletic routine IMO.
I object to calf raises being put there. They might be useful depending on the sport, and I think they are for MMA.

Entropy, what is your opinion on this?