HELP..need supplement for a cold

Stewart Kwong

Yellow Belt
Professional Fighter
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
i need help. i feel myself catching a cold and besides eating lots of oranges for vitamin c i need to kill it b4 it really starts. i'm 5 weeks away from my first fight and i can't afford to lose any training to this stupid thing.
this calls for an "Emer Gen-C" :wink:

zinc and green tea would help as well.. pill or tea form..
Good old fashion Orange Juice. Vitamin C works like no other and it more natual.
osciloccocium... er... something like that. go to any supplement store and ask for "ossilo" phonetically and they'll know what you're looking for.
osciloccocium... er... something like that. go to any supplement store and ask for "ossilo" phonetically and they'll know what you're looking for.

LOL That stuff is becoming known as "er uhh, do you have that shit for the Flu that no one can pronounce?"

That and the scientific name for Grape Seed Extract...Proanthocyanodin. When people ask for Grape Seed Extract and I show them that they go "uhhh, no, I want Grape Seed"...I have to show them that that IS Grape Seed. lol
My gf found an ad in a women's magazine that had how to pronounce it. it said o-sigh-lo-something-or-other. Ok, I added the something-or-other because I can't remember what it said. but the moral of the story is in an issue of shape magazine somewhere is an ad that will tell you how to pronounce it.
I take Zinc and can usually recover quick or not get sick at all.
The largest study ever was on vit c and cold prevention and it was shown to do nothing. Zinc losenges were shown to do just as well as another lozenge that tasted just as bad. The reasoning behind the zing lozenge is that people think "hmm, this tastes funny so it will probably work."

I have found that rest is the most important thing for me. I never get sick until around finals time when I don't get enough sleep and I don't eat right. I take a multi vitamin, and hope that helps but I don't know.

I had a semi stuffy nose for a month at least (it would come and go, but I was mostly stuffy) and was told that a lot of people have low level sinus infections for extended periods of time. Because they aren't that serious people normally don't take anything and put up with it. I took some low level anti-biotics for one week and it cleared up wonderfully and I haven't had a problem since.