Help me with BJJ shirts!

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Nice clean designs, stylish without being overwhelming. ^_^

Also available in USA, on link I can't find at the moment! Will update!

Take care,

The funniest grappling t-shirt I've ever seen had this written on it:

10 Reasons to Date a Wrestler

  1. Always wears his headgear.
  2. Endurance, endurance, endurance.
  3. Will eat anything.
  4. Can work a two-on-one.
  5. Knows when to push and pull.
  6. Never stalls on bottom.
  7. Goes hard from start to finish.
  8. Knows how to use his hips.
  9. Can score from any position.
  10. Knows what "riding high" really means.
If there were more awesome bjj ballcaps I would be broke
Hey Hillary should draw something for you! she could promote it aswell

I am guessing she could use more funds as professional grappler is probably a bit of a misnomer

Best idea of the thread so far. Hillary is insanely talented, it's unfair.
Is that one of Kenny's shirts in Dana's latest video blog?

Nope, thats a band.
Cult is on hold til I return to America, and then Ill have my own press so more designs and lower prices since I dont have to go through a middle man to print. And the infamous DVD around spring
Looking forward to the cult designs
a picture of cauliflower and under it saying "is this cauliflower???"