help me twist my routine a little to fit my new MT scheduele



ive been lifting around 4 years now. the last two with a pretty much standard 3 day split aimed for strenght (pull, push, legs)

2 months ago i started doing muay thai. i have been doing it for 3 days a week now. but im starting to like it more and more and im gonna increase to 5 days a week soon maybe even 6.

while im a student and usually have enough free time i still think ill have to cut down a little on my lifting.

so my main goals are:

1. keep as much of the mass i aquired
2. keep gaining strenght......doesnt have to be big results, but it would be nice to still get a new Personal best on the big 3 once in a while...obvioulsy with slower progress then at the time when i only lifted without the MT
3. make the lifting days as short as possible while still getting a good workout

and finally the goal is to reduce my 3 days split to a 2 day split without neglecting any bodypart..........

any suggestions?

since MT itself is a more "push" oriented sport and we do losts of pushups on the training i think the push part should contain 2 max 3 exercises (flat becnh + two assist exercises). if i do more then that i dont think i will be able to recover right

what do you guys think?
Personaly If I get sore anyplace after a session of boxing it is in my lats, and my pull muscles have always been much stronger than my push muscles.

I say keep it balansed. If you dont have time for atleast one anaerobic sprinting session outside of the thai gym I say reduce the volume on your strenght training that you can fit it in...
krellik said:
Personaly If I get sore anyplace after a session of boxing it is in my lats, and my pull muscles have always been much stronger than my push muscles.

I say keep it balansed. If you dont have time for atleast one anaerobic sprinting session outside of the thai gym I say reduce the volume on your strenght training that you can fit it in...

why that?
Because it gives you so freaking much as a combat athlete. But hey thats just me.

Especialy since you have been doing strength training for 4 years and just started muay thai im guessing that max strength already is your prime physical quality. So its propably alright to put it in maintenance mode for a while and concentrate on conditioning etc. If you want to train -for- MT you need to focus on more than one physical quality.
yeah but the thing is im kinda torn here between two things

1. my love for lifting.......its become a habit in my life and i cant imagine living without prolly gonna go some kind of weight work when im 60

2. my new found love for MT. now i dont think ill ever compete in a MT match, i dont really have ambitions for that.....maybe 1 amateur match jsut to see how it is........but that years away anway so ill think about it when time comes
Im a bit slow today and after re reading your goals to train as much as 6 days a week muay thai I would recomend you to switch to fullbody workouts in the gym. Perhaps one day focused around squat and bench, and one day focused around deadlift and overhead press. And I definitively would make time for atleast one day of sprinting, intervals, intensive gpp, etc..

I was in the exact same position a few years ago. I lifted weights ALL the time and was only concerned with getting stronger. I then did some MT and boxing and was hooked. I now compete as an amature.

Just try MT with your old routine and start cutting things out until you feel comfortable with your routine. I had to cut back and constantly make changes to my routine for 2 years before I was confident in it. krellik is correct that if you plan on taking MT very far you'll eventually need to do some conditioning work through interval training. The amount of training you can do will depend on how well you eat, sleep, and your genetics.
You have to realise that it takes much more work to improve a physical quality than to maintain it. As long as you continuosly train all vital physical qualities you can test diferent variants of periosation to see which one that suits your goals best, perhaps take periods where you focus on improving your strength and other where you improve other areas. But dont totaly neglect anything and let it decay.

I think you should accept to put strenght on maintenance utill you feel you have solid conditioning. It will help you -that- much in the gym.
okay ill try playing around with my routines a little and try diffferent thing.

but still, if you guys were to advise me on a 2 day split with the goals i mentioned above what would it be?
btw thanks to you guys for takeing time to reply to my thread
Since your focus on the big 3, have them as your focus on your workouts.

Do fullbody in one variant or another and make sure its really compact and vary it up.
Monger said:

I was in the exact same position a few years ago. I lifted weights ALL the time and was only concerned with getting stronger. I then did some MT and boxing and was hooked. I now compete as an amature.

Just try MT with your old routine and start cutting things out until you feel comfortable with your routine. I had to cut back and constantly make changes to my routine for 2 years before I was confident in it. krellik is correct that if you plan on taking MT very far you'll eventually need to do some conditioning work through interval training. The amount of training you can do will depend on how well you eat, sleep, and your genetics.

i purely intend to do MT as a hobby......maybe one day try an amateur match just to see what feeling it is to be in the ring but i dont expect that to happen so soon.

its nice tips your giving me guys, and im thankfull for it. but with my college and work i have time for only one training session a day.

i could manage more but then i would have to twist around some other stuff too (like my social life, my love life etc.) and personaly there is no need to do that since i regard both lifting and muay thai only as a hobby.......a hobby i take serioulsy but still nothing more then that. i still wanna be able to go out on a drink with my buddies twice a week and maybe watch a movie one night of the week.....and if i add more traning sessions i might not be able to do that.........

You're slowly answering your own question. Time and priorities are the key. You've already stated on how much you want to do MT. If you've only got one day left to do strength training then just focus on main lifts such as squat, DL, and BP. It sounds like you know how to do strength training and I don't think your asking for help in that area. If you are afraid that you can not make progress only lifting once or twice a week, you shouldn't be. If the workouts are kept intense you can still make gains...maybe slower than you'd like, but that's life sometimes.. Good luck to you.
try lifting on weekends heavy- sat. do pushing exercises and sunday do pushing exercises with some light stuff on wed.(pushups situps pullups etc.)