help me please!!!


Orange Belt
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
great gods of strength hear my humble prayer!

I am a noob to mma-specific weight training. I lifted weights like everyone else on and off for the last 10 years, with some results....

anyway, I have started training BJJ (noob) and Kickboxing (again, 3yrs prior experience) with an eye to competing in MMA. I work out 4x a week, 2 BJJ classes tuesday/friday nights, kickboxing on thursday night and MMA on saturday afternoons. I'm 31, 5'7", weigh 175. 20% body fat.

I need to become stronger for grappling, but I don't want to bulk up as I need to lose this fat and get lighter, I want to compete around 160-165lbs. I also don't want to be a lot more sore than I am already, because I spar in every class.

I also try to run 2x a week as well, 3 miles as fast as I can (24mins at 3.0 incline 7.5mph). I'm hoping to get a weight workout in on those 2 days. I'm not conditioned enough yet to lift/run on a day that I take class yet I don't think.

I've been doing these exercises- pull ups (3-4sets of 10),, dumbbell clean and jerks(3x15 35lbs), barbell push press (3x15 95lbs), ball situps with 25lb plate on chest, pushups (2x50), clap pushups(2-3x20-30), jump bodyweight squats (3-4x30).

What rep range should I work? How heavy? Amount of sets? I know I should do barbell squats, but they kill my legs for 3 days so I never do them...any tips? Am I doing the right stuff?

ps..also been doing Bas workouts, but I don't think those help with the grappling strength, that's kind of what I'm looking for standup is my strong point.

thanks for any help!!!
have you read the stickies? maybe? no? I'm guessing no. read the stickies.
I tried this today

5 min run @ 7.5 3.0 incline warmup
30 squats just the bar
3x8 squats @225
2x8 deadlifts @225, 1x6 @ 225 (was literally dead)
3x10 push press @115

then I was too dead to go on. I am truly pathetic. But I haven't lifted like this really ever. I read the articles, but my head started spinning. So, I'll try again.

since I am a pussy, is it better to work out 2x a week whole body, or 3 x a week splitting up bodyparts? I think squatting and deadlifting on the same day is what killed me...does anyone else do this? Or should I squat one day, then deadlift the next workout?
all I want is strength, so I know to stick to the compound many sets a workout should I shoot for?

i know what you're gonna the stickies. maybe I am just stupid, but I spend most of my time sparring..that probably explains it.
stabmasterarson said:
I tried this today

5 min run @ 7.5 3.0 incline warmup
30 squats just the bar
3x8 squats @225
2x8 deadlifts @225, 1x6 @ 225 (was literally dead)
3x10 push press @115

then I was too dead to go on. I am truly pathetic. But I haven't lifted like this really ever. I read the articles, but my head started spinning. So, I'll try again.

since I am a pussy, is it better to work out 2x a week whole body, or 3 x a week splitting up bodyparts? I think squatting and deadlifting on the same day is what killed me...does anyone else do this? Or should I squat one day, then deadlift the next workout?
all I want is strength, so I know to stick to the compound many sets a workout should I shoot for?

i know what you're gonna the stickies. maybe I am just stupid, but I spend most of my time sparring..that probably explains it.

Dude, you did squats, deadlifts, and push press back-to-back? Holy God.

madmick, you must site your signature or it is forgery and I will have to persue the appropriate legal channels.
ok, I'm gonna do the strength training 101 workout on urban's site and see how it goes. I don't feel as bad today as I thought I would, so I bet I could do this 3x a week without killing myself when I add in the martial arts training.
God damnit, Urban. Try the word "CITE", MOTHERFUCKER!

This forum is obtuse.

PS: It's also "pursue"
PS (2): I don't mean it when I tell you I don't love you anymore.
it's PPS, not PS (2) and I was drunk.

and I know you don't mean it.
PS2=Playstation 2

Anyway, be careful with too much weightlifting. You must also consider the grappling and kickboxing workouts. Balance the different workouts w/out burning out too much.
deadpool said:
PS2=Playstation 2

Anyway, be careful with too much weightlifting. You must also consider the grappling and kickboxing workouts. Balance the different workouts w/out burning out too much.

this is what I'm worried about, because I give my all when grappling and kickboxing. It seems like a lot of folks on the S&P forum don't train mma at all, or not too hard in order to be able to lift so much...but I'm gonna try. I'm also not on juice obviously, I don't know if that enables some of these characters to workout so much. I just need more power when grappling.
how long have you been training kickboxing and grappling?
stabmasterarson said:
anyway, I have started training BJJ (noob) and Kickboxing (again, 3yrs prior experience) with an eye to competing in MMA. I work out 4x a week, 2 BJJ classes tuesday/friday nights, kickboxing on thursday night and MMA on saturday afternoons. I'm 31, 5'7", weigh 175. 20% body fat.

This reminds me a bit of the mindset I had when I was a teenager. I made the mistake of trying to do everything every day (fight, lift, run, stretch, kick). I learned the hard way that working out 5 hours a day didn't give me nearly the edge I thought it would on people I knew working out 2 hours a day.

I can only imagine how you pull off this workload at 31. I'm 30 and there's no way I could wedge in the sheer amount of time you're looking to invest here. You'll need to strike a balance. While doing MMA you simply can't make the strength progress that a pure lifter can. Look at how NFL guys make most of their strength gains in the off season and merely try to maintain them during the season with the wear and tear on their bodies.

My two biggest points of advice are to:

1) Focus more on proper recovery (this means more sleep and more clean food).
2) Budget out your time. How much time do you have daily and weekly to work out. You'll have to maximize it from there.

Your weight and bodyfat levels are EASY to manipulate with proper diet. If you're going to invest this much time and money in MMA, you should be focusing on your nutrition. Single digit bodyfat levels should be easy to maintain with your training volume and weightclass.

The more you can divvy your lifting up throughout the week the better your progress will be. If you're lifting twice a week, go for a push/pull set-up or an upperbody/lower body day. If three time, focus on a bench/squat/deadlift program.

For reference, when I added in a mere two days of BJJ, I treated those days as cardio and only do cardio on one other day during the week. I lift heavy on three other days, lightly on BJJ days, and make sure I take a day of rest after BJJ days. On a BJJ day this equates to nearly 4 hours of workout between class, open roll, and lifting. I spend most of the rest of the day eating and sleeping. I don't think my body would respond very well if I tried to do that daily but maybe that's just me.

Apologies for subjecting everyone to my extra long post here. :eek:
good points. I feel like I don't have much time to get in shape as I am 31, that's why I'm busting my ass, because I am competitive and plan on competing at whatever level I can. My diet isn't perfect, but it's getting better and that's what I am really going to focus on now, as I never have before. When I was in my mid 20s I squandered my previous training with limited dedication, and drinking, etc. Now I am older, and I am a lot more focused, but the clock's ticking...

I'm gonna do this I think.
Monday-pull lift
Weds-push lift+squats (3 exercises each)

and try to work in some running and bag work where I can.
Thanks for the input
If you want a real routine instead of just crap from these nerdbombs, then follow the link in my signature, read it, and PM me.
Urban said:
madmick, you must site your signature or it is forgery and I will have to persue the appropriate legal channels.

By "appropriate legal channels", I'm assuming you mean "my supreme and absolute fucking power in this forum."

Very good, sir, I'll change it.