1,500 to 2000 calories is not enough for you te eat if you are training fairly hard. My suggestion to you is dont even count calories but eat clean and drink alot of water.
I am picturing you as a highschool student but I could be wrong (no insult intended) so it may be difficult for you to eat super well because you have to basically eat what your parents give you but you can clean it up a little.
Try to choose food that are good for you and nutritious. For breakfast choose oatmeal over anything else. snacks-no candy at all if you need sugar choose fruit.I like to eat jerky for my snack I make it myself so it isnt loaded with salt and MSG. for lunch make yourself a sandwhich out fo lean meat. Boil some veggies at home and put them in tupperware take them to eat, make a salad ect ect.
Snack same as snack above
Dinner eat lean meats, leafy greens and maybe some pasta.
You can supplement with protein shake if you feel need for it. you can also eat a proteinbar with low sugar carbs in it.
Take a good multi-vitamin every morning and drink 1.5-2 gallons of water per day.
As far as exercise goes-do pushups at home. I do mine while watching tv whenever a commercial come son I bang out pushups until it is over or i am tired. Same with situps alternate between the two. Buy a nice doorway chinup bar and do a couple chin ups everytime you go through door.
If you have time run in the morning even 20 minutes a day will make a difference and it will help with your gas tank.
This is really all that you need to do and you should see results. i am sure some people will have a complicated plan to lay out for you and i could do the same but it sounds liek all you want to do right now is lose the weight and i think that is a good idea lose the weight then worry about every thing else. if you need more in depth let me know I wont even charge you