Hector Lombard on Toquinho's Failed Test

Any links to Paul Harris saying he'd break Lombard's leg past the tap?
Excuses, excuses and a failed drug test.

Not good.
lol Lombard doesn't take roids his just naturally built even during his Olympic days he used to cut 20-30 pounds

Apparently everyone does. It's one of the new excuses, when a fighter fails a test people just say "Oh, it's okay, everyone uses roids anyway."

So instead of lynching those who get caught they excuse them. Fucking society, man!
What is the name of the song in the beginning of that video?
Apparently everyone does. It's one of the new excuses, when a fighter fails a test people just say "Oh, it's okay, everyone uses roids anyway."

So instead of lynching those who get caught they excuse them. Fucking society, man!

no he doesn't take steroids and not all fighters take them but a lot of fighters do
Just a reminder for this thread guys, unfounded steroids accusations get dubs.
no he doesn't take steroids and not all fighters take them but a lot of fighters do

I'm quite sure that he doesn't, it's just that there's this new fad about everyone using steroids.

Even though we had the VADA testings and the random testings(which only Overeem failed) people still say "MEEEEH, everyone's on juice." And as I've been saying, it's become of an excuse now, when someone fails a test people just say "Pftt, it's okay, everyone uses roids anyway."

Yeah, like whatever dude, you guys are basically saying that none of these guys achieved anything without roids.

Beautiful, sweet karma. Palhares had it coming, all of it. Cranking on subs too long in MMA, cranking on subs too long in ADCC, threatening to break his opponent's leg even if he taps, saying that Belcher isn't good and how he'd beat him 9/10 times and my all time favorite; accusing Marquardt of cheating and then he himself gets busted for cheating :icon_chee
Let everyone use them problem solved !!!!!

Where's the legitimacy of the sport then? What are aspiring MMA fighters gonna do then? Guys with no money, how will they achieve anything in the sport when they have to fight against roided up freaks?
I'm quite sure that he doesn't, it's just that there's this new fad about everyone using steroids.

Even though we had the VADA testings and the random testings(which only Overeem failed) people still say "MEEEEH, everyone's on juice." And as I've been saying, it's become of an excuse now, when someone fails a test people just say "Pftt, it's okay, everyone uses roids anyway."

Yeah, like whatever dude, you guys are basically saying that none of these guys achieved anything without roids.

Agreed. Just like in other sports if a guy you don't like gets caught then it's "CHEATER! Everything he's every accomplished is not void." When a guy you like gets caught then it's "So what... Everyone does it!"
Beautiful, sweet karma. Palhares had it coming, all of it. Cranking on subs too long in MMA, cranking on subs too long in ADCC, threatening to break his opponent's leg even if he taps, saying that Belcher isn't good and how he'd beat him 9/10 times and my all time favorite; accusing Marquardt of cheating and then he himself gets busted for cheating :icon_chee
Just a reminder for this thread guys, unfounded steroids accusations get dubs.

Define unfounded. I want to know if I should petition to get my post reinstated.

I'm quite sure that he doesn't, it's just that there's this new fad about everyone using steroids.

Even though we had the VADA testings and the random testings(which only Overeem failed) people still say "MEEEEH, everyone's on juice." And as I've been saying, it's become of an excuse now, when someone fails a test people just say "Pftt, it's okay, everyone uses roids anyway."

Yeah, like whatever dude, you guys are basically saying that none of these guys achieved anything without roids.

Don't be so sure. For me, I don't say 'everyone is on them'. I have connections to a few gyms though, and happen to trust most of my connections. If I say someone is roiding, I have a reason. People can believe me or not.

Where's the legitimacy of the sport then? What are aspiring MMA fighters gonna do then? Guys with no money, how will they achieve anything in the sport when they have to fight against roided up freaks?

The same things they've had to do for the past couple decades, just without the hiding it part. I agree that legalizing is a terible response, but the current system is retarded.
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Agreed. Just like in other sports if a guy you don't like gets caught then it's "CHEATER! Everything he's every accomplished is not void." When a guy you like gets caught then it's "So what... Everyone does it!"

Indeed, brother!

[Overeem fails]

[Palhares and Beltran fail]
"I don't think that they were using, but even if they were, it's okay, everyone uses it, they were just the ones who got caught."
Where's the legitimacy of the sport then? What are aspiring MMA fighters gonna do then? Guys with no money, how will they achieve anything in the sport when they have to fight against roided up freaks?

There not that expensive to do a proper one were you go 3 months on and 3 months off twice a year you are looking at around $600.00. And Let me ask you this do you like watching baseball ???? Me hell no I would rather much see those guys juicing up and cranking homers. I would way rather watch the WNBA then watch MLB buttttt if they were jucing it might be more intertaining. And if everyone is allowed to use a PED that would make it a lagitimate even playing field