News Heatwave across the country. Are you feeling it?

Haven't had one humid night yet in Southern (coastal) New England, nor one day remotely approaching 90 degrees. It's been a throwback spring to the old days.
25 degrees in non freedom units here
73 going up to 82 in the armpit of America.

I can dig it.

Ketamine treatment day for me.
Gonna be like a nice warm blanket
It has been ok in my neck of the woods. Less rain for this time of year, so the humidity and bugs have not been so bad.
It is hot and uncomfortable today in S Florida. A typical summer Florida day is alright to me. It will be hot and muggy but I can still get out and do activities outside. today it is about 6F warmer than typical. I went outside for a little bit and decided that's it for the day. thankfully in a few days more normal temps return.
sunny and 74 in Cleveland, 64 in my shanty
it hit 90 here yesterday but that's not abnormal for this area in the summer.
It's only 85, but with near 100% humidity it's hard to breath out there after a while
I'm in Reno for the week and I hate this dry ass high desert heat. I'm ready to go back to my swamp in Houston.
I'm in Reno for the week and I hate this dry ass high desert heat. I'm ready to go back to my swamp in Houston.
You're used to it.

I get drenched in sweat after 5 minutes of being out there
You're used to it.

I get drenched in sweat after 5 minutes of being out there
I hate it but I love it. I can't do this high desert shit. 95° with 16% humidity today. 16. I feel so dehydrated and I've been slamming waters.
80s-ish in PA/NJ... with 1000% humidity.

I'll take 110 Vegas heat any day if it means low humidity.


As someone who has lived in both that whole "dry heat" thing encompasses a significant amount of bullshit.

113 is fucking hot

118 and you might burn your ass on a leather seat

40 days in a row over 100 and most of them well into the "one teens" ... fucking 90+ at NIGHT in the fucking dark.
That was a motherfucking nightmare and I wasn't feeling any sort of "dry heat" relief.

(Burbank, summer 2006 or so)
I can feel the ocean breeze on top of this giant parking structure it’s glorious.

costa rica August 14th looms !
Obviously this was bait for someone to ask:

What is happening on August 14th in Costa Rica?

So I will be a pal and bite.

What fun thing are you gonna rub in our faces... and don't bitch out now, bump, set, spike, that's how this shit works, you gotta deliver the goods now and make people who won't be doing fun things feel like losers

Obviously this was bait for someone to ask:

What is happening on August 14th in Costa Rica?

So I will be a pal and bite.

What fun thing are you gonna rub in our faces... and don't bitch out now, bump, set, spike, that's how this shit works, you gotta deliver the goods now and make people who won't be doing fun things feel like losers

tropical business man, mostly outdoor , nature stuff but I’ll drop the full list of activities later