Have you ever had to cut off a parent?

I always regetted not be able to kick the shit out my dad when i was younger. I had a shot when I was 13. I had the size but not the experience. It didn't end well lol.

A year later I became more coordinated, but pancreatic cancer stole my vengeance and for the next decade or so I took it out on everyone else.

It was only through forgiving him was I able to cut him off from influencing my reaction to certain stimuli.
You couldn't beat up a man riddled with cancer?
I don't speak to my parents

It's because I lived with them deep into my 20s which is way too long and it made me resent them even though they never did anything wrong

this might be the dumbest fucking thing i've ever heard.

damn they looked after you for too long. unforgivable.
If cancer was an actual person Id want him to die of cancer.
It's fucked but at least you get a chance to arrange your estate and make your amends. That's the only positive I can derive from it I suppose.
It's fucked but at least you get a chance to arrange your estate and make your amends. That's the only positive I can derive from it I suppose.

Pretty much. Although I dont blame those who want to end it quickly.
I wish my family had the guts to cut off certain family members.

My sister's a drug addict, homeless, prostitute, with so many issues that literally every person that's ever given her a place to stay has ended up physically beating her. She just has this talent for pushing people over the edge, even rational good people.

And yet my family still acts like I'm the bad guy for not inviting her to my kids birthday party.
Yeah, we have this weird separation in our family. Mother + myself vs dad + sister.

I just dislike my dad because he is a stupid narcissistic and ignorant person. Racist too and very condescending. My sister follows him wherever he goes and says, or whatever. It is really embarrassing to spend time with either. I see my dad around once every month for a few hours and it really is unbearable. He sends me money, which is nice (he got a lot working in UAE), but as a person, I do not need him in my life.
No, even though my parents aren't perfect they always try their best, I think as a son/daughter you would have to have a real excuse not to talk to your parents, specially if the parents always try giving you their best.
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No but if I'm being honest, if it weren't for the utility of having them around, I wouldn't interact with them much. I can barely have a conversation with them. We just don't vibe.
once they took cupcakes away

they were dead to me....and then the flashbacks started
yea my dad. Pos. more or less pushed me aside for his new gf. Didnt get invited to the wedding and only get calls when her parents are in town so he can brag about my accomplishments as his doing. . .
Esophagus cancer got him in my early twenties. But we were alright for the most part and he was being a really good father to my little brother and he never hit him, ever.

I see some of his anger in my brother though. It's pretty scary when he goes off because all I see is his father and my blood boils.

Damn, was it him having cancer that made him such an awful person? Or was he always just a horrible person?

Sorry you had to go through that, that is awful.
I have had 1 conversation with my dad in 10 years after I told him to stay the fuck out of my life. It was at my half brother's mom's funeral. He tried to weasel his way back in again and was told to fuck off once again. My life has been much better since I cut him out of it.
I haven't spoken to my 3 brothers for about 30 years because they're fucking bastards who i really hate!
[I mean that in a kind and loving way of course.]
My dad has never been to my place or even met my wife. But he's there if I need help. It's weird.
I don’t really talk to my older brother or my mom. I’m closest with my dad and my sister.

Older brother was an awful bully growing up. My mom enabled him too.
I very nearly disowned my mom. She was verbally and physically abusive to me, and only me, throughout my teen years. My dad left her and I was the oldest male. So I reminded her of my dad and she took that out on me.

Her greatest hits include trying to rebreak my wrist just after I got my cast taken off, and throwing a metal folding chair at me on Christmas. She usually did these things just before threatening to call the cops on me, or threatening to have her dad come pick me up and take me to live with him in the ghetto, where her parents still love to this day for whatever reason.

In the end, she never apologized. Even my dad, who is almost as emotionless as a Vulcan, later apologized for spanking me as a child. My mom still won’t even admit to what she had done. But it is ultimately much more effort to disown her than to just deal with her.