Have you ever been jumped?

Yes, on more than one occasion.

One morning I get a call from my boy telling me he got jumped by two kids, so we go looking for them and find them a few minutes later and get some revenge. I jabbed one them and my boy hit the other with a plastic pipe/stick that opened up the kids head instantly, he was rolling around on the ground holding his head, shit was hilarious.

Few hours later I'm walking to the grocery store and I see like 10 Crip kids walking towards me, I think nothing of it, see them on the daily basis and we always go our separate ways, but that day was a little different. Apparently they knew the kids we beat up. So they come up to me and ask me some shit I forgot what and before I can answer the fucker threw a hook and caught me before I fell I threw a punch and hit the kid (yay) then they proceeded to stomp me out. They busted up my forehead a bit, nothing serious. I talked to their 'OG' who I knew pretty well and I was basically supposed to fight one of the Crip kids because he basically started the shit and that pussy never showed up.

A day later I go to the park because I know they hang out there, so I see one of them walking to the handball courts and I remembered the kid right away because he called me 'pussy' after they all jumped me. So I was happy as shit thinking I'm about to smash the fuck out of this kid. So I walk up to him and say 'Yo son you called me pussy?'. His reply 'yeah, fuck you going to do about it' and pulls up his shirt and boom there is a 9MM. I'm thinking fuck that and tell him 'nothing' lol.
I was jumped by 4 dudes with a car club, they got my cheesesteak sandwich but not my 300 dollars,.., interestingly, I recently found out who did it(this was years ago), and the so called leader of the pack now has thyroid cancer. Weighs about 110 pounds,.., anyways, karma's a bitch!

Would you not give food to a starving man?
Not jumped exactly... but I've been surrounded at knife point.

Senior year in HS. I was the new kid in town and had this hot cheerleader girl on my nuts. Long story short...her ex bf and his little crew were all in the same karate class. They jumped me for no reason and wouild have probably killed me if the super of my new building had not jumped in and beat the shit out of them.
No. Once a guy jumped on my back when I wasn't looking and I flipped him over with a picture perfect judo throw (OK not really, I was like 13 and I just leaned forward and he flopped on the ground) and me and my friends kicked him a few times. That was about it. I really didn't get involved in much of that shit.

Senior year in HS. I was the new kid in town and had this hot cheerleader girl on my nuts. Long story short...her ex bf and his little crew were all in the same karate class. They jumped me for no reason and wouild have probably killed me if the super of my new building had not jumped in and beat the shit out of them.

Never been jumped or I never jumped anyone else. That is some weak shit

I have been though, in a group fight one side vs another in the lunchroom in HS. It was me and 4 friends fighting like 4-6 other dudes, it was a massive brawl and everyone got suspended 10 days. Cops was called and everything.
I got jumped once and it sucked. I got a pretty nasty black eye (my eye was almost swollen shut) and I had to get 12 stitches in my nose, but I didn't get a concussion and no teeth knocked out. I was lucky.

and that's all I have to say about that.

Me, my brother, and our friend got jumped by 3 other guys with weapons. I think they were like 2x4's and stuff, nothing crazy. Actually, I think one had a lead pipe or something IIRC. We ended up winning in the end cause they got disarmed eventually, I didn't get hit by any weapons thankfully, my brother had a bruise on his arm from blocking it, and my other friend was bleeding from the back of his head.

Cops came with guns drawn, told us to get down, I first said "No" cause it was muddy on the ground and shit, didn't wanna ruin my clothes, but, I had no choice. We didn't get in trouble though, neither did the other guys who were like 5 years older. Was an odd night. Everybody was drunk, I was only high at the time.
One of my best friends was jumped by the local scumbag/wannabe gangbanger just because he stopped the scumbag's younger brother from picking on his own younger brother.

First they drove by him while he was walking home from school listening to his headphones and broke a sobe bottle over his head. Then a couple days later they gathered a crew of like 6 guys and just jumped him and beat the shit out of him. Those fuckers thought they were so tough but they NEVER fought anyone 1 on 1... just went around town together jumping people out of boredom because they were all dropout scumbags. They're probably all in prison or dead now.
Once, when I was nineteen my friend and I got jumped walking across the bridge from Mexico back to the U.S. I had walked across that bridge 1,000 times before, and I used to go across quite a bit to see friends and family. I never even saw it coming either, because they hit me in the back of the head and then proceeded to kick and stomp on me. We didn't get hurt too bad (just a few bruises and some soreness) thank god. I consider myself lucky.
I got jumped three times, the first time I knocked out 1 kid and then I got beaten to look like Quasy Modo.
2nd time me and my friend got jumped by 5 guys with weapons for no reason, my friends white sweater was bloody as hell. We ended up just breaking through their circle of violence and running away.
The third time I was attacked by 15 guys, my 3 friends ran away without me knowing, I turn around and their nowhere to be seen. Some awesomeness happened and I end up pulling one guy underneath me and putting him In A NRC from our knees and use him as a hostage till everyone backed up enough for me to be safe
I got jumped once and it sucked. I got a pretty nasty black eye (my eye was almost swollen shut) and I had to get 12 stitches in my nose, but I didn't get a concussion and no teeth knocked out. I was lucky.

and that's all I have to say about that.
Nice avatar.
I used to be a greaser and these rich bastards always used to look down on us and beat us up for no good reason.

Eventually, people got killed, things escalated, and a rumble was organized. We won, then my friend Matt Dillon robbed a store and was killed by cops.
I used to be a greaser and these rich bastards always used to look down on us and beat us up for no good reason.

Eventually, people got killed, things escalated, and a rumble was organized. We won, then my friend Matt Dillon robbed a store and was killed by cops.
Lol, I'm teaching that book right now!
This happened years ago when i was in college, during summer break. Im 38 now if that gives you reference. It happened after Lalapalooza 94. Got jumped walking back from Mexico one night. It was 3 of my boys and myself. We were talking to these cute chicks and these douchebags start yelling at us because the girls aren't paying attention to them, just us. There is like 10 of them and they start yelling tri city bombers, which is a gang in Pharr, San juan, Alamo. Near McAllen. Well they get in one of my friends face and he just up and throws a left hook and drops that guy right there, out fucking cold.

Then the others start yelling get those guys. We are fucking surrounded and I'm parrying blows throwing kicks and jabs just trying to get these fucks away from me.

Well someone yells run. We run to the customs officers. A few blows must have gotten through because my jaw is a little bit sore and my ribs hurt a little bit, no black eye or anything. We get escorted to our car because those dudes were waiting for us in the parking lot. We haul ass and get the fuck out of there and head to Whataburger for a cheeseburger.
Never got into a fight. Always walked away from them when I was a kid. And was too nice to fight when I got big. That and people knew I practiced MMA.
Some wanna be thug stole my money and so we fought and I got mount. I didn't hit him I just told him I wanted my money back and let him up. He suckered me, I mounted him, repeated myself and got suckered again. Cops got called he ran off and I explained the situation to the cops.

Couple days later I was playing Guitar Hero at my friends house and he showed up looking to fight again. My friends dad was on his way home to drop off 10 bucks to the son or whatever, and the son was friends with the wanna be thug, so he came in to wait until the dad left. Thug went upstairs and I went back to Guitar Hero. All of the sudden everything went white and next thing I know, I had, while whited out, gotten up off the couch and walked towards the wall. I turned around and the guy was on the opposite side of the living room yelling ''that's what you get for snitching!''. My friends had all been present and only one of them helped after I had taken probably 6-7 blows to the face and head with a metal pipe.

I put my hands in front of my chest and kept catching blood. Everyone said I needed to go to the hospital but I kept saying I was fine, until I looked in the mirror. My mouth had already swollen up a bunch and there was a decent cut that was pretty gaping, just under my nose. Ended up walking 2 kilometers to the hospital repeatedly asking ''what happened, who hit me'' dozens of times.

Got a concussion, a fractured cheek bone, and 6 stitches. Called my dad and asked a drive home and he said he was too busy eating supper. So I walked like 6 kilometers home and ate ramen for a week.

Moral of the story is snitches really do get stitches, I guess.
once a guy jumped on my back when i wasn't looking and i flipped him over with a picture perfect judo throw (ok not really, i was like 13 and i just leaned forward and he flopped on the ground)

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