Have u ever seen a trained fighter get schooled by an untrained fighter?

this thread wouldnt do so well in the grappling subforum
To be fair, Mayorga was a decent competitor at the high levels of boxing, and he got his ass kicked most of the time by better technicians. That being said, he's one boxer I wouldn't bet against in a street fight. I bet he would beat some of the same boxers he lost to in a street fight. Some people are natural fighters, regardless of the environment. Guys like Mayorga, Tyson or Golovkin are crazy/tough enough to whip ass in the ring or outside of it.

Trained guys have an obvious advantage over non-trained guys, but I do think environment does play a big factor. It's the same reason why some people who look like beast in sparring can't always bring that in a real match. Sparring/fighting in a ring is different from a street fight and the variables/environment are very different.

Generally, boxers are better suited for street fighting than BJJ because of the way they train and the type of people who box. A lot of boxers are natural tough guys and boxing gyms are lot of the time located in rougher areas, while BJJ caters more towards a different demographic. Sparring in a boxing is ring more chaotic and violent than most BJJ sparring sessions, and that is better for psychologically preparing somebody for a real fight.

But the difference in environment is a big factor. Ricky Hatton apparently got his ass kicked in a bar fight, although knowing Ricky, he was probably shit faced and coked out of his mind.

Lot's of truth in here. That's why when in come to grappling I always seen wrestlers do good in street fights. I seen wrestlers school guys in the Marines. The way they train is hardcore. I also remember hearing Oscars De La Hoya mention after beating Yori Boy Campas. That he would hate to meet him in a dark alley. Because the way Yori could take punishment and keep coming.
I think this whole thing about bjj being useless against multiple attackers is b.s., it's just as effective as other arts will be. Or ineffective.

Trips, throws, takedowns, keeping your balance sprawling, knowing how to get up from bottom, if you train in bjj you should be trained in all of this.
Standing kimuras, wrist locks, rear naked choke, guillotine, neck cranks, knowing which way joints breaks is a huge advantage.
To be fair, Mayorga was a decent competitor at the high levels of boxing, and he got his ass kicked most of the time by better technicians. That being said, he's one boxer I wouldn't bet against in a street fight. I bet he would beat some of the same boxers he lost to in a street fight. Some people are natural fighters, regardless of the environment. Guys like Mayorga, Tyson or Golovkin are crazy/tough enough to whip ass in the ring or outside of it.

Trained guys have an obvious advantage over non-trained guys, but I do think environment does play a big factor. It's the same reason why some people who look like beast in sparring can't always bring that in a real match. Sparring/fighting in a ring is different from a street fight and the variables/environment are very different.

Generally, boxers are better suited for street fighting than BJJ because of the way they train and the type of people who box. A lot of boxers are natural tough guys and boxing gyms are lot of the time located in rougher areas, while BJJ caters more towards a different demographic. Sparring in a boxing is ring more chaotic and violent than most BJJ sparring sessions, and that is better for psychologically preparing somebody for a real fight.

But the difference in environment is a big factor. Ricky Hatton apparently got his ass kicked in a bar fight, although knowing Ricky, he was probably shit faced and coked out of his mind.

True but in terms of boxing skills he was not even in Vernon's league. But the guy, in his prime, had such a good chin and those wild ass punches.

I think that just unnerved Vernon. Ricardo did the same thing to six head lewis who was a much better "pure" boxer. He just brawled his ass off.

I watched an asian kid in high school literally Mr Miyagi a few guys in the parking lot of McDonalds. Like front kick, knifehand block, face punch. No knockouts but he fought 3 guys at the same time all of them same age and size but no coordination or skill. At the time I thought it was fucking bad ass. Now I realize a high school wrestler would have wrecked his shit.

Benji Radach got ko'd by some manlet over a girl.
Ray Jackson was whooping up on Chong Li till he got cocky.

Which makes you wonder why the point fighting caught on in the Jackson's camp. You'd think they'd have been focused on finishing the job after that.
Cody Gibson was beat up by a Sherdogger. +1 for that member.

Are you being serious?
I don't remember that detail coming out of the story, but I may have gotten off that train before then.

But one detail missed in this thread was that the double would have likely stuck, but a friend of Bro Lesnar tipped Gibson's legs over during the scramble.
If you fish hook someone, poke their eyes, bite their face or neck, crush their balls, etc..they will probably release the submission or stop swinging. It can turn the tide of a fight in a second. Or you can pick up something heavy and crush a skull. In a street fight environmental awareness is key. Are you about to get jumped? Do they have machetes? Guns? Hand to hand combat is a small part of the CRUCIAL street fights. The street wars.
Are you being serious?
I don't remember that detail coming out of the story, but I may have gotten off that train before then.

But one detail missed in this thread was that the double would have likely stuck, but a friend of Bro Lesnar tipped Gibson's legs over during the scramble.

Yeah landing an unblocked haymaker and then getting taken down straight away by someone who knows BJJ (presumably the random didn't), even if you then get right back up, is hardly a good sign that you are about to beat someone up.

If you don't know how to grapple and someone can take you down straight away you are pretty much fucked (1 on 1).
If you fish hook someone, poke their eyes, bite their face or neck, crush their balls, etc..they will probably release the submission or stop swinging. It can turn the tide of a fight in a second. Or you can pick up something heavy and crush a skull. In a street fight environmental awareness is key. Are you about to get jumped? Do they have machetes? Guns? Hand to hand combat is a small part of the CRUCIAL street fights. The street wars.

But now you're talking Krav Maga - which is different from an untrained opponent.
If someone got me in any ground position what's gonna stop me from hitting their balls with my fist or driving my key into their eye balls?

Trained fighters have rules, street fighting has no rules, objects make a difference, keys are a good weapon, everyone always has keys.

I've seen trained fighters kick ass and I've also seen them get their ass kicked. All depends on the individual.

For some good street fighting tips I recommend watching WWF hardcore title matches, although I have yet to hit some one in the nuts with a bowling ball, I do know how well a trash can is used.
Are you being serious?
I don't remember that detail coming out of the story, but I may have gotten off that train before then.

But one detail missed in this thread was that the double would have likely stuck, but a friend of Bro Lesnar tipped Gibson's legs over during the scramble.

This is a key point that people conveniently ignored when that thread was made, but what that guy an actual Sherdogger? Lol
but what that guy an actual Sherdogger? Lol

Yes. I actually really do want an answer on this matter. I realized that maybe that wasn't clear in my post. "Are you being serious?" = are you joking or was that actually a Sherdogger?!
I've been boxing for about five or six years now. While I'm fairly confident I can take out most people that would potentially start with me on the street.. you just never know what could happen. Street fight is very unpredictable.

I mean, there's never accounting for being sucker punched or being taken down. I'll be the first to admit I cant wrestle or grapple for shit.

Also, a big part of it is... I don't try to fight people on the street at all. In fact, I'm all about trying to avoid these types of situations all together. Fighting is a last resort when I'm not at the gym. But there are always people looking to try to prove something and I'm usually keeping my guard down not looking for it.
if someone got me in any ground position what's gonna stop me from hitting their balls with my fist or driving my key into their eye balls?

Trained fighters have rules, street fighting has no rules, objects make a difference, keys are a good weapon, everyone always has keys.

I've seen trained fighters kick ass and i've also seen them get their ass kicked. All depends on the individual.

For some good street fighting tips i recommend watching wwf hardcore title matches, although i have yet to hit some one in the nuts with a bowling ball, i do know how well a trash can is used.

Didn't Shields get oustruck during the kickboxing round? Lol

No. The bully was game and got a few shots in, but nothing that put Shields in any danger. Bully had to take a couple of standing 8 counts and then BJM stopped the fight when he started running away.