Have u ever seen a trained fighter get schooled by an untrained fighter?

lol yea there are so many variables. i actually got cut off by some jackass this morning and was raging mad, but then realized i was wearing shorts that were falling down (forgot my belt) and sandals....so i just let it go haha
I've seen this a few times over the years. Someone who actually has years of training in mma, karate, etc...and then someone attacks them in a street fight and it doesn't go well.

I asked an old boxing instructor why this weird phenomenon happens, and he said it is because trained fighters train for a particular style, and if you get some maniac coming at you in a weird way you are not expecting you may not know how to respond.

Has anyone else every seen this happen?

I'm not going to name names, but I remember seeing a guy I know who now owns a division of American Top Team, and had many years of martial arts training, get his ass kicked by the drummer in my old band who never trained in any style, lol

Nope but there are many teachers that aren't very good. So it's not impossible either.
This question kind of fits really well with my experience as a bouncer for about 5 years. I worked for some of the biggest clubs in my city, and I saw fights most weekends. I was also in a decent amount of brawls, one vs one, or one vs several people. This is what I learned over the years....

Usually the loud mouth gets their ass beat. Most people who can really fight don't worry about verbal intimidation. The first person to connect with a face shot usually wins the fight.

Most people aren't going to be trained. Usually only 3 to 5 punches get thrown, then it goes to the ground or gets broken up. BJJ is great. That is until their friend/family jumps in and kicks you in the face. Then you look stupid holding onto a leg while someone is beating your face in with a shoe. Standup fighters that can keep it from going to the ground usually do well. Wrestlers tend to do better indoors than outdoors. Outdoor fights always seem to stay stand up, while indoor fights tend to turn into a pushing/grabbing match while throwing punches until you fall down.

I've only ever let three people put their hands on my face out of dozens of fights. Two were sister's of someone I was throwing out. The other one was like a 50 year old man in a suite. He wouldn't get out of a back doorway so I kicked him out. He wouldn't move so I grabbed his arm and pulled him down onto his face. He resisted, but not too hard. So another bouncer helped me walk him outside the ropes. We were standing there, and out of nowhere he just punched me in the chin. Didn't really hurt at all, I was just surprised the old man had the balls to do it. I didn't fight him, because it just didn't seem fair, and I didn't want to hurt him.

I got stories for days about my time as a bouncer. I saw some crazy shit from fights/deaths/shootings/rapes/drug dealing/et cetera.

But yeah, most trained people in fights have an advantage in good situations, but in real life there are so many variables, that being trained isn't a sure win. You could just get dealt a bad hand. You might also get shot in the face. You don't want a fountain of blood coming out of your eye socket. I've seen it, and that's why you don't need to fuck with people on the street.

Start a story thread pls
I know, but it is strange in a way. You might think a pro fighter would always clean house again someone who doesn't know how to fight, but that is not always the case.

It's not always the case but most of the time the trained fighter wins in very convincing fashion. I saw some drunk asshole sucker punch this like 45+ year old guy at the pub, the 45 year old happened to be a 2nd Dan in Judo. He hip tossed this guy almost head first on top of a table, it was rather epic
I was out on the beers one night with a few mates, plus a few people I barely knew, including one guy who was a bit annoying. Slightly hippyish traveller type, who was endlessly banging on about how great it is in Thaliand, how he'd swum with dolphins, bollocks like that. I'm not sure whose mate he was, but nobody seemed to like him.

We were on the high street getting cash from the ATM, when one of our party got into some verbals with this big gang of blokes who'd appeared from a nearby pub. Didn't look like it was going anywhere, when the traveller guy walked to the front of our mob, and started doing "Kong foo" style poses, complete with excessive nostril breathing, presumably in an attempt to scare away the other lads. I think he'd had some training, as it later transpired, but wasn't *quite* Muhammad "I'M 'ARD" Ali.

Clearly, it didn't go quite as planned, as one of them shouted "I'M NOT. F*CKING. ABOUT!" and tore right through him with a flurry of hefty knees, headbutts and punches.

I'd like to say we all steamed in to rescue him, but we actually all sloped off, and waited for him to get to his feet and catch up with us.
I was out on the beers one night with a few mates, plus a few people I barely knew, including one guy who was a bit annoying. Slightly hippyish traveller type, who was endlessly banging on about how great it is in Thaliand, how he'd swum with dolphins, bollocks like that. I'm not sure whose mate he was, but nobody seemed to like him.

We were on the high street getting cash from the ATM, when one of our party got into some verbals with this big gang of blokes who'd appeared from a nearby pub. Didn't look like it was going anywhere, when the traveller guy walked to the front of our mob, and started doing "Kong foo" style poses, complete with excessive nostril breathing, presumably in an attempt to scare away the other lads. I think he'd had some training, as it later transpired, but wasn't *quite* Muhammad "I'M 'ARD" Ali.

Clearly, it didn't go quite as planned, as one of them shouted "I'M NOT. F*CKING. ABOUT!" and tore right through him with a flurry of hefty knees, headbutts and punches.

I'd like to say we all steamed in to rescue him, but we actually all sloped off, and waited for him to get to his feet and catch up with us.

I really like this story for some reason. When the guy came running back to your group, did he just start talking about dolphins n stuff again?
I hope you write successful fanfiction and become the next big thing in literature/Hollywood

Did someone say MMA fanfic?

Nick Diaz, bloodied and bashed let's his hands near weightlessly fall to his waist. The crowd collectively gasps as if they were one orchestra of emotion. His furrowed brow and trademarked scowl turn into a look of inquisitive innocence. Carlos Condit, backed up against the fence awaiting further punishment after being on the receiving end of a superlative Diaz rally just 1 minute into the third round in a back and forth title fight peaks through the opening between his raised hands and looks on at the Stockton banger in bewilderment.

"Diaz has just dropped his hands and I think he's goading Carlos into getting reckle-wait no Mike he's reaching into his shorts. What is Diaz doing?" Joe Rogan exclaims, utterly astonished. So astonished, in fact, he actually looks to Mike Goldberg of all people for a possible explanation. Mike realizes that there's no leg kicks involved so he can't think of anything to say. He rattles his brain but panic ensues as there's nothing but dead air so he thinks fast and improvises. "This UFC title fight is brought to you by corn nuts. Corn to the core.". Mike and Joe both let out sighs of relief and feel as though a weight equal to Roy Nelson in the off season has been let off both of their shoulders.

The Reebok logo, crudely plastered over the heavily stylized words "Metal Mulisha" on Diaz's shorts becomes increasingly creased as Diaz rummages through his shorts looking as if he is trying to liberate his sweaty scrotum from the side of his leg. But he isn't. Diaz's hand emerges from his shorts.
"Yo, why are we even like, fighting or whatever?" Diaz poses to Condit. Condit is shocked. "F-for family" he stammers. "I fight for my family and the glory that comes along with it." he states more firmly as the round clock still ticks.

"Where's the fuckin glory in fightin for the UFC when we aint paid shit homie? I mean I still drive a honda fuckin civic and can barely pay my rent. Shit I haven't even paid taxes since, well ever homie. It's like I could probably make more money sitting at home fuckin teaching jiu jitsu and smokin weed all day you know what I'm sayin? We don't get paid enough to receive this kind of punishment. It's like I'm not sayin we don't get paid enough money cos there's like kids in Africa and other countries like that who can barely pay their rent on time you know what I'm sayin? But at the same time we don't really get paid enough. It's whatever it is what it is you know?"

Condit is clearly stunned. After months of trash-talk in the buildup to this fight and two rounds of beating each other to near death, pushing each other past each of their limits Diaz changes the script and says this? Condit looks at the crowd. He sees faces just as stunned as he is. He then see's a face of an androgynous pre-pubescent blonde boy, wearing a white t-shirt much too tight for his flabby build with a red UFC logo across his chest, the logo bending downwards forming an "n" shape much like a bent barbell with a "U" and a "C" as plates on either end across his feminine chest. But this emotion is too heavy for any man to carry, let alone young boy. Tears well in his eyes as his face turns flush. He nods at Carlos pleadingly. Carlos pauses for a few moments but then nods back knowingly. He now knows what the right choice is.
Carlos walks towards Diaz while unstrapping his gloves. The crowd is dead silent at this point as are Mike and Joe who's jaws are nearly touching the table. Diaz unclenches his fist revealing a perfectly rolled joint to Carlos. This stops Carlos dead in his tracks. The last time he smoked marijuana his teammate and former friend Jonathon "Bones" Jones told Carlos' wife on him and he had to sleep on the couch, kleenex supplies ran low that week in the Condit household. Condit looks over at Dana White like a child looking for approval from his father. Dana, with his hands in the pockets of his grey jacket stares sternly at Carlos. Carlos breaks eye contact and looks at Nick.

"Don't be scared homie" Diaz says, smiling this time. Carlos reaches out and as he grabs the joint the crowd goes wild with cheers and embraces between Diaz and Condit fans alike.
"Shit I forgot to bring a light" Diaz reveals, clearly annoyed at himself. "Don't worry I got you covered bruh" Herb Dean interjects as he reaches into his thick,braided hair and takes out a Bob Marley zippo lighter. He then lights the joint while it rests in Diaz's mouth. Diaz then passes it to Carlos who inhales far too much and coughs uncontrollably. "Looks like that high altitude training hasn't made my lungs THAT strong" Carlos quips and they all laugh. He then passes it to Herb Dean , who, after smoking and leaving about one and a half inches of joint left throws it on the ground and puts it out with his foot. Thousands of Sherdog users run to their computers to cry early stoppage but can't as they are met with an error 503 message. "But Herb what about the flyweight main event next?" Nick asks after noticing the ash left on the octagon canvas. "What about it?" Herb retorts and they all share a hearty laugh.

Dana enters the octagon. Diaz and Condit both gulp in fear of what's to come. Bruce Buffer hands Dana the microphone. "There's not going to be a Welterweight champion after what I just saw tonight." Nick and Carlos' eyes wander to each other then to the floor like a couple of guilty schoolboys. "There's going to be two!" The crowd gasps. Nick and Carlos share an expression of surprise but are clearly happy. "That was the best thing that's ever happened inside this octagon. Two warriors going at it. I couldn't decide on a winner so it's only fair that they both get the belt, the win bonus and performance of the night awards"
Later at the press conference, while Diaz and Condit pose with the shared belt Dana tends to the media. "Diaz and Condit are the best pound for pound fighters in the world. I don't care what you say, I mean how can you argue against it after tonight?". "Will there be an immediate rematch?" Karyn Bryant asks. "We'll see" Dana replies with a telling grin.
I really like this story for some reason. When the guy came running back to your group, did he just start talking about dolphins n stuff again?

He was a bit quieter after that. When he caught us up, we muttered a few half-arsed "you okay?" type questions, then carried onto the next pub. He was fairly subdued for the rest of the night, and spent quite a bit of the evening tending to his injuries which were fairly minor, all things considered.

I did catch up with him again at another party a few months later, and there he was, boring the arse off some other people with tales of dancing on the beach and wiping with his hand.
He was a bit quieter after that. When he caught us up, we muttered a few half-arsed "you okay?" type questions, then carried onto the next pub. He was fairly subdued for the rest of the night, and spent quite a bit of the evening tending to his injuries which were fairly minor, all things considered.

I did catch up with him again at another party a few months later, and there he was, boring the arse off some other people with tales of dancing on the beach and wiping with his hand.

Ah man, I know those kinds of people. Not just hippies, but neo hemp hybrid (con)fusion weirdos doing attempted spinning jumpkicks with exaggerated karate breaths in front of strangers to get attention and calling it "Tai Chi". Even plain wasted stoners are giving them weird uncomfortable looks

This story of yours really hits the spot. So good. And the epilogue wrapped it up just perfect, thanks for typing that.
Nick Diaz, bloodied and bashed let's his hands near weightlessly fall to his waist. The crowd collectively gasps as if they were one orchestra of emotion. His furrowed brow and trademarked scowl turn into a look of inquisitive innocence. Carlos Condit, backed up against the fence awaiting further punishment after being on the receiving end of a superlative Diaz rally just 1 minute into the third round in a back and forth title fight peaks through the opening between his raised hands and looks on at the Stockton banger in bewilderment.

"Diaz has just dropped his hands and I think he's goading Carlos into getting reckle-wait no Mike he's reaching into his shorts. What is Diaz doing?" Joe Rogan exclaims, utterly astonished. So astonished, in fact, he actually looks to Mike Goldberg of all people for a possible explanation. Mike realizes that there's no leg kicks involved so he can't think of anything to say. He rattles his brain but panic ensues as there's nothing but dead air so he thinks fast and improvises. "This UFC title fight is brought to you by corn nuts. Corn to the core.". Mike and Joe both let out sighs of relief and feel as though a weight equal to Roy Nelson in the off season has been let off both of their shoulders.

The Reebok logo, crudely plastered over the heavily stylized words "Metal Mulisha" on Diaz's shorts becomes increasingly creased as Diaz rummages through his shorts looking as if he is trying to liberate his sweaty scrotum from the side of his leg. But he isn't. Diaz's hand emerges from his shorts.
"Yo, why are we even like, fighting or whatever?" Diaz poses to Condit. Condit is shocked. "F-for family" he stammers. "I fight for my family and the glory that comes along with it." he states more firmly as the round clock still ticks.

"Where's the fuckin glory in fightin for the UFC when we aint paid shit homie? I mean I still drive a honda fuckin civic and can barely pay my rent. Shit I haven't even paid taxes since, well ever homie. It's like I could probably make more money sitting at home fuckin teaching jiu jitsu and smokin weed all day you know what I'm sayin? We don't get paid enough to receive this kind of punishment. It's like I'm not sayin we don't get paid enough money cos there's like kids in Africa and other countries like that who can barely pay their rent on time you know what I'm sayin? But at the same time we don't really get paid enough. It's whatever it is what it is you know?"

Condit is clearly stunned. After months of trash-talk in the buildup to this fight and two rounds of beating each other to near death, pushing each other past each of their limits Diaz changes the script and says this? Condit looks at the crowd. He sees faces just as stunned as he is. He then see's a face of an androgynous pre-pubescent blonde boy, wearing a white t-shirt much too tight for his flabby build with a red UFC logo across his chest, the logo bending downwards forming an "n" shape much like a bent barbell with a "U" and a "C" as plates on either end across his feminine chest. But this emotion is too heavy for any man to carry, let alone young boy. Tears well in his eyes as his face turns flush. He nods at Carlos pleadingly. Carlos pauses for a few moments but then nods back knowingly. He now knows what the right choice is.
Carlos walks towards Diaz while unstrapping his gloves. The crowd is dead silent at this point as are Mike and Joe who's jaws are nearly touching the table. Diaz unclenches his fist revealing a perfectly rolled joint to Carlos. This stops Carlos dead in his tracks. The last time he smoked marijuana his teammate and former friend Jonathon "Bones" Jones told Carlos' wife on him and he had to sleep on the couch, kleenex supplies ran low that week in the Condit household. Condit looks over at Dana White like a child looking for approval from his father. Dana, with his hands in the pockets of his grey jacket stares sternly at Carlos. Carlos breaks eye contact and looks at Nick.

"Don't be scared homie" Diaz says, smiling this time. Carlos reaches out and as he grabs the joint the crowd goes wild with cheers and embraces between Diaz and Condit fans alike.
"Shit I forgot to bring a light" Diaz reveals, clearly annoyed at himself. "Don't worry I got you covered bruh" Herb Dean interjects as he reaches into his thick,braided hair and takes out a Bob Marley zippo lighter. He then lights the joint while it rests in Diaz's mouth. Diaz then passes it to Carlos who inhales far too much and coughs uncontrollably. "Looks like that high altitude training hasn't made my lungs THAT strong" Carlos quips and they all laugh. He then passes it to Herb Dean , who, after smoking and leaving about one and a half inches of joint left throws it on the ground and puts it out with his foot. Thousands of Sherdog users run to their computers to cry early stoppage but can't as they are met with an error 503 message. "But Herb what about the flyweight main event next?" Nick asks after noticing the ash left on the octagon canvas. "What about it?" Herb retorts and they all share a hearty laugh.

Dana enters the octagon. Diaz and Condit both gulp in fear of what's to come. Bruce Buffer hands Dana the microphone. "There's not going to be a Welterweight champion after what I just saw tonight." Nick and Carlos' eyes wander to each other then to the floor like a couple of guilty schoolboys. "There's going to be two!" The crowd gasps. Nick and Carlos share an expression of surprise but are clearly happy. "That was the best thing that's ever happened inside this octagon. Two warriors going at it. I couldn't decide on a winner so it's only fair that they both get the belt, the win bonus and performance of the night awards"
Later at the press conference, while Diaz and Condit pose with the shared belt Dana tends to the media. "Diaz and Condit are the best pound for pound fighters in the world. I don't care what you say, I mean how can you argue against it after tonight?". "Will there be an immediate rematch?" Karyn Bryant asks. "We'll see" Dana replies with a telling grin.

^^ where'd you get that?! is dis real?
Ah man, I know those kinds of people. Not just hippies, but neo hemp hybrid (con)fusion weirdos doing attempted spinning jumpkicks with exaggerated karate breaths in front of strangers to get attention and calling it "Tai Chi". Even plain wasted stoners are giving them weird uncomfortable looks

This story of yours really hits the spot. So good. And the epilogue wrapped it up just perfect, thanks for typing that.

Bloke was a walking cliche, no doubt about it. Everything you associate with tedious wannabe travellers - expensive education, rejection of anything that requires any personal responsibility, endless banging on about all the fantastic stuff he's been up to while the rest of the world is getting on with making a living. Just an utter fist magnet, and basically got what was coming to him.
Bloke was a walking cliche, no doubt about it. Everything you associate with tedious wannabe travellers - expensive education, rejection of anything that requires any personal responsibility, endless banging on about all the fantastic stuff he's been up to while the rest of the world is getting on with making a living. Just an utter fist magnet, and basically got what was coming to him.

I knew a guy like this. Was this guy a total cheapskate too?
I knew a guy like this. Was this guy a total cheapskate too?

Can't remember, if I'm honest, but he always had a whiff of "I still leech dough off my parents, even though I'm 28 and went to one of the best and most expensive schools in the country" about him.

I can recall him telling me a story once about how he smuggled some "gear" across a border somewhere to make some money, making it sound a bit like he was George Jung trafficking blocks of coke into the US, only to be told the truth later on that evening by a mate who was with him at the time. It was apparently about $20's worth of hash that they smoked later on that evening.
Definitely agree with shadow preists on the first page or two. Rolling with a dude that's spastic and unpredictable can actually be tougher than going against a guy who knows the basics...and knows just enough to get himself in trouble.

total newb can be unpredictable and you really can't know what to expect...that's why it's usually a good idea to roll with the newbs or spar them as they can do the unexpected at times and it's good to train for.
Can't remember, if I'm honest, but he always had a whiff of "I still leech dough off my parents, even though I'm 28 and went to one of the best and most expensive schools in the country" about him.

I can recall him telling me a story once about how he smuggled some "gear" across a border somewhere to make some money, making it sound a bit like he was George Jung trafficking blocks of coke into the US, only to be told the truth later on that evening by a mate who was with him at the time. It was apparently about $20's worth of hash that they smoked later on that evening.

Yeah. That sounds about right. The guy I knew would do stuff like, if we were headed out to a party or something, hand out condoms from his personal stash (as if he ever got laid). The condoms were Trojan Magnums. He bought them with the explicit intention of handing them out to us to we would arrive at the conclusion that 1. he actually ever got laid; and 2. he had a big dick. We saw this motherfucker change in high school gym, and he did not have a big dick.
I pretty much agree with this. You never want to go to the ground on concrete or against multiple people unless you have to. And the best art to avoid going to the ground is wrestling, not BJJ.

Also agree that striking arts are best for street fights. Plus some wrestling skills to avoid being taken down or to take somebody down if you're getting pieced up on the feet.

That's why somebody like Chuck Liddell is a terrific example of a superior street fighter. His sprawl n brawl style is perfect for the unpredictable nature of street fights. Plus his 1 punch ko power is an advantage that cannot be stressed enough. Remember that story about Lee Murray ko'ing Tito on the streets, and Chuck was there fighting, and Chuck wisely backed up to a wall to keep people from surrounding him, and Pat Miletich said Chuck was ko'ing fools left and right. THAT'S the style you want for street fights. End it quick, discourage multiple attackers, and throw some wrestling in for TDD or TD's if need be. Chuck > the streets :)

Goldie said his wife was there watching the whole brawl and yelled to Chuck "don't do it, think about your career!" and as Chuck was dropping fools left and right he yells back "THIS IS MY CAREER!!!"
That sounds totally legit to me. You spend all of your fighting career competing against like-minded people and then all of a sudden you have some crazed fool windmilling against and just generally acting insane? How does training in any particular style accommodate that?

I could have swore Rogan was talking about the exact same thing recently. Basically that guys who have a weird style of striking or something that is considered unorthodox can be hard to deal with sometimes cause you're not used it. I think it was the John Wayne Parr podcast.