has anyone seen this program?


Yellow Belt
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
the other day i ran across a program on a martial arts training website. it involved doing heavier weight (80-85% of 1rm) with minimal rest (30-60secs) and high volume. now i can't remember or find the name of the website or the name of the article. anybody know what i'm talking about? thanks for the help.
I don't know the name of the program, but i don't think you'll be able to do much of anything "high volume" using that much weight and that little rest.
High rep low rest is the ideal way to build strength endurance IMO. However, I think that strength endurance is best left in the gym and I've been preaching lately that you should have a wilks score somewhere between 300 and 350 before deviating from a program focusing on peak strength.
Urban said:
High rep low rest is the ideal way to build strength endurance IMO. However, I think that strength endurance is best left in the gym and I've been preaching lately that you should have a wilks score somewhere between 300 and 350 before deviating from a program focusing on peak strength.

I agree. my focus right now is basically a cutting cycle. i'm cutting very very slowly though in an attempt to lose as little mass as possible. i thought this program may be a way to help me cut while still working with heavy weights and retaining a good amount of strength and mass.
Urban said:
High rep low rest is the ideal way to build strength endurance IMO. However, I think that strength endurance is best left in the gym and I've been preaching lately that you should have a wilks score somewhere between 300 and 350 before deviating from a program focusing on peak strength.

Did I get you right, you meant that you should leave the endurance training in the boxing or grappling gym? Hmm I kind of agree with you, and I kind of dont... but as always its about your goals and weakneses. Right now my personal weakness is muscle endurance, it is more lacking than my strength so I will focus on that outside my boxing and mma training to. When I get it in check the pendulum will swing towards power.
how much time do you spend on your combat sport training in comparison to time you spend in the weight room? I've always reccomended you spend at least twice as much time on SPP (boxing training, grappling training, etc.) as you do on anything else. So I think you'd be better off working on peak strength in the weight room but cutting back to 2 sessions a week or something and putting more time in in the ring or on the bag or mats or wherever if you can.
Right now for me its about 6 hours boxing, 4 hours mma (which I see as 10 hours of fighting), 30-40 min of strength (1 session), 1-3 sessions of 30-40min of conditioning with a focus towards muscle endurance. The reason I put focus towards muscle endurance is that it is imparing me in the fight gym. As soon as it dont bother me more focus will go towards strength and anaerobic conditioning.

So to conclude, for most, outside the fight gym you propably get most bang for your buck from strength training, but you should work from a perspective that you need to get as much as posible from your skill sessions. If your conditioning is to low so you cant focus on the skills in the fight gym, you need to prioritise it before strength and put stength on maintenance.

Its been a long day so I hope im not speaking out of my arse here..;)
krellik said:
Right now for me its about 6 hours boxing, 4 hours mma (which I see as 10 hours of fighting), 30-40 min of strength (1 session), 1-3 sessions of 30-40min of conditioning with a focus towards muscle endurance. The reason I put focus towards muscle endurance is that it is imparing me in the fight gym. As soon as it dont bother me more focus will go towards strength and anaerobic conditioning.

So to conclude, for most, outside the fight gym you propably get most bang for your buck from strength training, but you should work from a perspective that you need to get as much as posible from your skill sessions. If your conditioning is to low so you cant focus on the skills in the fight gym, you need to prioritise it before strength and put stength on maintenance.

Its been a long day so I hope im not speaking out of my arse here..;)
Im going to agree here. You get so much more out of your martial arts training when you dont have to pace yourself or quit early due to a lack of conditioning.

With that said it is hard to balance MMA and strenght training.