Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

Okay . . . I have to ask all of you guys something. If you choose to get married would you prefer that your wife (a) stay at home with the kids or would you prefer that she (b) continue with her career and leave the kids with a nanny, daycare, or other caregiver?

It's either one or the other. Don't give me any of this it depends on what we can afford or what our income is crap. There are plenty of families where mom stays at home and dad works his butt off to live paycheck to paycheck.

Maybe a mod can make this a poll . . .

My answer . . . A.
I sent her to work and I took care of the house and kids.
You ever see a kicker make a tackle? Like you ever stepped on a field in your life, yet you think you are some authority. Kickers are soft and so are you

At this point, you’ve gone full retard. Youre just angry that you thought punters weren’t bottom of the pole on a football team and got called on your noobish take.

Ive been watching football longer than youve been alive.
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Gimme a link to your boxing gym. I feel the urge to leave a review: "The owner is a total soycuck. He despises Christians and hates his own country. Only go here if you want to be an estrogen fueled pansy. Do not recommend."

Bruh I'm a Mod on Sherdog, and I dont hide my identity or the gym I work at. You wanna post some wannabe Alpha-Bro bullsh*t about me? Go right ahead. People have been having at it for nearly 2 decades.
Okay . . . I have to ask all of you guys something. If you choose to get married would you prefer that your wife (a) stay at home with the kids or would you prefer that she (b) continue with her career and leave the kids with a nanny, daycare, or other caregiver?

It's either one or the other. Don't give me any of this it depends on what we can afford or what our income is crap. There are plenty of families where mom stays at home and dad works his butt off to live paycheck to paycheck.

Maybe a mod can make this a poll . . .

My answer . . . A.

"I only marginally care about how my wife feels about pursuing her passions once we decide to have children. Maybe a Mod can make a poll to see if other dudes will validate this."

I wonder how many dudes here who are partially responsible for there being single Moms will also have an idealistic opinion on this.

You want a parent home so bad you be as willing to sacrifice your career, dont hide behind some nonsense about predetermined roles to force women into that, buck up and make the sacrifice. And remember dont also hide behind the notion that men can make more money because that's just woke nonsense, the gender pay gap is fake.
Bruh I'm a Mod on Sherdog, and I dont hide my identity or the gym I work at. You wanna post some wannabe Alpha-Bro bullsh*t about me? Go right ahead. People have been having at it for nearly 2 decades.
I think he should really come down to your gym for a training session first? Maybe some light sparring?
I think he should really come down to your gym for a training session first? Maybe some light sparring?

I'm comically out of shape for my own standards lol. What would most-likely happen is we'd argue for a bit before finding some common ground, and end up cool with each other.

But interestingly enough I've gotten actual threats from this forum since 2009 or so. DM's here and other social media of guys telling me they were gonna come to the gym and kick my @ss. Literally the only people who have ever actually shown up were people who genuinely wanted boxing lessons. The haters have only ever left snarky comments online.
christians countries are rich because they took exploit everybody can not go up i n a world where west controls money syupply and when people tried to move to gold or off dollar what happened so called western military might scoped in and turned prosperous countries that wanted gold and other curencies back to squere 1 or 0. well with china and india you can not do that so we will see in next 50 years how prosperous countries can be when they can repel western military might
Well yeah that's exactly my point, the Christians were more competent than everyone else, including when it comes to military might. Everyone was trying to do the same things throughout human history, but the Christians just did it better.
What about that article from the KC Star posted in the OP?

Then the media picks up on the few dumb minority who moronically tweets to get clicks and views. The story then becomes bigger than it actually is in real life.
I'm comically out of shape for my own standards lol. What would most-likely happen is we'd argue for a bit before finding some common ground, and end up cool with each other.

But interestingly enough I've gotten actual threats from this forum since 2009 or so. DM's here and other social media of guys telling me they were gonna come to the gym and kick my @ss. Literally the only people who have ever actually shown up were people who genuinely wanted boxing lessons. The haters have only ever left snarky comments online.
The extreme majority of people calling for violence have no experience with it.
Bruh I'm a Mod on Sherdog, and I dont hide my identity or the gym I work at. You wanna post some wannabe Alpha-Bro bullsh*t about me? Go right ahead. People have been having at it for nearly 2 decades.
I'm comically out of shape for my own standards lol. What would most-likely happen is we'd argue for a bit before finding some common ground, and end up cool with each other.

But interestingly enough I've gotten actual threats from this forum since 2009 or so. DM's here and other social media of guys telling me they were gonna come to the gym and kick my @ss. Literally the only people who have ever actually shown up were people who genuinely wanted boxing lessons. The haters have only ever left snarky comments online.
Clearly I was kidding. I would never leave a negative review over differences in opinion. I certainly would not confront someone IRL over it. However I do find ironic that you're okay with it considering it wasn't too long ago that people with similar views to yourself found themselves being blacklisted.
lol... no reply...


Shocked you didn't get a serious reply to your unhinged rant? Fine, I'll humor your dumb ass for the ONE part of the speech that I commented on that you were offended by.

"I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you, how many of you are sitting here now about to cross the stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you’re going to get in your career. Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.

So the women he's referring to have spent years of their lives and (for many of them) tens of thousands of dollars, to earn degrees to advance their careers. Yet, he dedicates ONE sentence to that to say that SOME of you MAY go on to lead a successful career, and assumes they will be most excited about getting married and having kids. Then he spends three paragraphs talking about how important being a homemaker is, and emphasizes that his wife would supposedly say "her life truly began when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother".

If emphasizing the vocation of homemaker wasn't his intention, there were plenty of ways to word this part of his speech, but he chose to do it this way.

If you can't read the subtext in the way he chose to speak, you're an idiot. In fact, the nuns who helped found the college said so VERY clearly:

Benedictine College nuns denounce Harrison Butker's speech at their school

Not just on that part, but the other divisive sections of his speech that you still haven't addressed.
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i think its strange that people try to discredit this guy because his mother was a professional.... that may very well be the very reason he has some of the positions he does. there are plenty of kids that are "raised" (if you can call it that) by professionals who put career above family and do a shit job and have kids that have all kinds of emotional and mental problems as a result. its very common. its entirely possible he was a latchkey kid raised upper middle class with everything a kid could want except present parents. it nearly criminal how terrible some of these parents are and how little they have actually thought about things.

it amazes me how many educated people raise kids without much thought energy or attention put into parenting and produce troubled and neglected children who are confused about who they are and why they feel so unhappy. it also amazes me how many educated and highly successful parents are equally perplexed and hire "experts" to help figure the kids out when all it comes down to is an empty neglectful home-life and parents with a poor state of being.... I've seen this time and time again and its just amazing how stupid some of these people can be. the lack of wisdom amidst an abundance of knowledge/success is hell of a juxtaposition.

but hey... they make 250k or more a year so they must be doing it right, right?

this is all just one symptom of the meta crisis which is the crisis of meaning. ask a person where to go to get good food and they know the restaurants, ask them who is their favorite sports team and they can tell you why with stats, ask them where to go for financial advice and they can tell you.... ask them about physical fitness and many of them can talk for days... ask them where to go to get wisdom and radical transformation and most of them just stand there and blink.... they don't even know what you mean by it.... we have lost so much and most people don't even feel the loss because they never had more in order to notice the loss. its become a generational loss at this point.
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Our culture is now so corporate dominant it's crazy. Was reading a book where someone put it really well:

"We use to have a society with markets. Now we have markets with a society."

People now spend hours a day of their free time marketing themselves online through social media and giving their data away so others can economically manipulate them.

Any enthusiasm for views that tilt away from productivity (making money) and consumption (spending money) as being the central purpose in life has to be ridiculed; and those expressing them socially ostracized or worse. What's particularly insidious is those that benefit from this have brainwashed the masses so much they will lash out and do their bidding for them - for free of course.
i think its strange that people try to discredit this guy because his mother was a professional.... that may very well be the very reason he has some of the positions he does. there are plenty of kids that are "raised" (if you can call it that) by professionals who put career above family and do a shit job and have kids that have all kinds of emotional and mental problems as a result. its very common. its entirely possible he was a latchkey kid raised upper middle class with everything a kid could want except present parents. it nearly criminal how terrible some of these parents are and how little they have actually thought about things.

it amazes me how many educated people raise kids without much thought energy or attention put into parenting and produce troubled and neglected children who are confused about who they are and why they feel so unhappy. it also amazes me how many educated and highly successful parents are equally perplexed and hire "experts" to help figure the kids out when all it comes down to is an empty neglectful home-life and parents with a poor state of being.... I've seen this time and time again and its just amazing how stupid some of these people can be. the lack of wisdom amidst an abundance of knowledge/success is hell of a juxtaposition.

but hey... they make 250k or more a year so they must be doing it right, right?

this is all just one symptom of the meta crisis which is the crisis of meaning. ask a person where to go to get good food and they know the restaurants, ask them who is their favorite sports team and they can tell you why with stats, ask them where to go for financial advice and they can tell you.... ask them about physical fitness and many of them can talk for days... ask them where to go to get wisdom and radical transformation and most of them just stand there and blink.... they don't even know what you mean by it.... we have lost so much and most people don't even feel the loss because they never had more in order to notice the loss. its become a generational loss at this point.

Bingo! People often underestimate just how brutal work-life balance is for some occupations.

It's important to have financial security in life - obviously. But there sure as fuck is a reason why a common death bed confession is folks wishing they didn't spend so much time at work. It's rarely the other way around.
"I only marginally care about how my wife feels about pursuing her passions once we decide to have children. Maybe a Mod can make a poll to see if other dudes will validate this."

I wonder how many dudes here who are partially responsible for there being single Moms will also have an idealistic opinion on this.

Thanks for completely twisting my post into something you needed to validate your views.

I don't need my stance validated or approved by you or anyone else. My wife has a career. She's been pursuing it for more than 20 years. I've not stood in her way or her decision to continue teaching.

You want a parent home so bad you be as willing to sacrifice your career, dont hide behind some nonsense about predetermined roles to force women into that, buck up and make the sacrifice. And remember dont also hide behind the notion that men can make more money because that's just woke nonsense, the gender pay gap is fake.

This is just stupidity. Nobody is hiding behind anything. Of course, you'd whine about the gender pay gap.
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I sent her to work and I took care of the house and kids.

Diaper duty . . . . what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man . . . . or something.