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Hardgainer Routine GET BIG


White Belt
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
First of all I would like to introduce myself. I'm 19 from Cincinnati, Ohio and I've been weightlifting for three years. I started out at 145lbs and worked my way up to 180lbs. I have found out that most teenage bodybuilders that are trying to gain weight are focusing on the wrong muscle groups. They put too much time into their biceps, triceps, and abs. I finally broke that same barrier when i realized you had to put effort in the major muscles to grow.

The same concept works if you compared it to a car. If you want to get the most power out of an engine you have to replace the motors internal components to get the most GAINS. Sure getting new pulleys will give you 10 horsepower(smaller muscles), and a cold air intake will give you 8-10hp. But swapping the cylinder heads and the camshaft will give you huge gains 45hp+. My point is that you have to train your lower back, legs, chest, and shoulders
to see the gains you want. This means doing heavy deadlifts, squats, power cleans, leg press, military press etc.

This routine focuses heavily on the legs, chest, core, and shoulders. Follow this routine exactly as is for 8-10 weeks and I guarantee you will see great results.

*Remember to eat alot, stretch, and change the kicker every week.

Hardgainer Routine
10 min stretch, warmup set/ * kicker/ 5 second reps/^ Burnout set

Monday (Legs, Lower Back)
Squats 8-6-4-2
Deadlifts 2x6-4
Leg Press 2x10-8
* Leg Exercise
Calf Raise 3x15(^)

Tuesday (Chest, Shoulders, Upper Back)
Bench Press 3x8-6-4-(^)
* Chest Exercise
Shoulder Press 3x8-6-4
Shoulder Shrugs 2x10
Pull-ups 3xF
Side Hand Chin-ups 2xF

Wednesday (Rest)

Thursday (Legs, Back)
Squats 8-6-4-2
Power Cleans 2x8-6
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 2x8
Bent Over BB row 2x6
Lying Leg Curls 1x12
Calf Raise 3x12^

Friday (Chest, Arms)
Bench Press 4x10-8-6-4^
Shoulder Press 3x8-6-4
Rocky Press 2x6
Close Grip Bench 1x12
Chin-Ups 2xF
Lat Pulldowns 2x10
If I did deadlifts after squats I would roll over and die.

Good luck to you though

I would put power cleans before squats as well
I would put jumping rope over calf raises
I would drop lying leg curls and leg press and add front squats, zerchers, or a unilateral leg exercise
If I did deadlifts after squats I would roll over and die.

Good luck to you though

I would put power cleans before squats as well
I would put jumping rope over calf raises
I would drop lying leg curls and leg press and add front squats, zerchers, or a unilateral leg exercise

I nearly die as well but its worth it.
Jump ropes are great, but you will burn alot of calories, which is a problem for a hardgainer
What the hell are zerchers? lol :icon_conf
Hardgainer: He who eats like a pussy.

And I would know.
I bet you don't eat a lot. The people who are hard gainers and want to get big will force feed themselves all day. I suggest you hit up the D+S forum to learn why your mindset is stupid.
I would put those cleans before the squats and do 6-7 sets of 1-2 reps
I bet you don't eat a lot. The people who are hard gainers and want to get big will force feed themselves all day. I suggest you hit up the D+S forum to learn why your mindset is stupid.

Please show me on the post where i stated what mindset I was in? How could you call that stupid when you hardly have any weightlifting experience? You cranked out 3 sets of 5 reps at 115lbs on the bench press, I could do that in middle school:icon_lol:. I stated that working bigger muscles will give you BIGGER results, and its the truth. Doing core exercises will help develop your whole body. Core strength also plays a huge role in MMA and fighting. :mad:
Boomer could break everybone in your body, it's not about strength or the puffy muscles you want He's got the technique SON

I understand that weightlifting makes up a small portion of fighting and mma. But if you take somebody with good technique over somebody that is strong and has good technique, he will win every time. If you want to be the best you need to have great technique and a strong platform.

And i highly doubt he could break every bone in my body...My small amount of boxing and other classes I have taken is enough for me to defend myself against an amatuer

You routine looks not bad. I personally don't care for isolation exercises or anything to do with machines, but that's just me.

May I suggest doing more explosive lifts like Power Cleans (or snatches or what have you) before Squats. Usually Speed/Power lifts come before the heavy lifts, as trying to do a good set of Oly lifts (like the Clean) after X sets of heavy squats will be much harder.

You assumed he didn't eat a lot, then suggested his mind set was "stupid" in your first post. That pretty much puts him on the defensive. Suggestions and questions first, then insults :)
Then how do I get my biceps long and peaked?!


Point taken. I'm not trying to play ref (well, I guess I am) I just think that if this was my log and everyone came in like this I'd probably be pretty defensive as well.

Oh well, whatever.
Monday (Legs, Lower Back)
Squats 8-6-4-2
Deadlifts 2x6-4
Leg Press 2x10-8
* Leg Exercise
Calf Raise 3x15(^)

You find you can perform deads straight after squats? I'd change them to RDL. And you have no unilateral leg movements at all. Change leg press for elevated split squats.

Tuesday (Chest, Shoulders, Upper Back)
Bench Press 3x8-6-4-(^)
* Chest Exercise
Shoulder Press 3x8-6-4
Shoulder Shrugs 2x10
Pull-ups 3xF
Side Hand Chin-ups 2xF

All the presses with barbell or some dumbell work in there?

Thursday (Legs, Back)
Squats 8-6-4-2
Power Cleans 2x8-6
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 2x8
Bent Over BB row 2x6
Lying Leg Curls 1x12
Calf Raise 3x12^

Power cleans go first. Your lower back is going to be cooked trying to do cleans, squats, SLDL and rows. Would probably take out the SLDL. Not sure what the leg curls and calf raises add. Maybe throw in another unilateral movement.

Friday (Chest, Arms)
Bench Press 4x10-8-6-4^
Shoulder Press 3x8-6-4
Rocky Press 2x6
Close Grip Bench 1x12
Chin-Ups 2xF
Lat Pulldowns 2x10

Chins and pulldowns? And they are primarily back movements anyway. Not sure that a single set of close grip bench is worthwhile. I'd take out the second type of shoulder press and do dips instead.

Generally, that's a shit lot of volume. If it was me, I'd concentrate on less movements and rotate them rather than try to do so many movements in each training session. To be honest, splitting the body into upper and lower days might also be more simple. Dunno.
Thats probably the lamest name drop Ive ever seen.

The fact that you 'trained' for 4 months and are not training anymore tells me you probably got whooped on as soon as they let you spar (usually around 3-4 months) and never came back.

I could be wrong though.

I'm just stating that I was not at some shit gym, even though they do hand out belts easily.

My intention was to inform the small amount of weightlifters on the forum that I had a decent routine and it broke me out of a platue that I was in. I don't claim to be a fighter and no I dont train. That gym costs $110 a month for doing MMA and I got into a relationship and a full time job and i'm going back to college shortly so I have no time to train. So stop with the lame posts claiming that your a grappler blah blah blah..
You find you can perform deads straight after squats? I'd change them to RDL. And you have no unilateral leg movements at all. Change leg press for elevated split squats.

All the presses with barbell or some dumbell work in there?

Power cleans go first. Your lower back is going to be cooked trying to do cleans, squats, SLDL and rows. Would probably take out the SLDL. Not sure what the leg curls and calf raises add. Maybe throw in another unilateral movement.

Chins and pulldowns? And they are primarily back movements anyway. Not sure that a single set of close grip bench is worthwhile. I'd take out the second type of shoulder press and do dips instead.

Generally, that's a shit lot of volume. If it was me, I'd concentrate on less movements and rotate them rather than try to do so many movements in each training session. To be honest, splitting the body into upper and lower days might also be more simple. Dunno.

Thanks for the advice, I have found out that doing deadlifts right after squats is very tough. I changed it yesterday, and I stood on an inclined machine where you lower your back, and i used a 25lb weight. But i'll look into some of your other exercises, i'm still an amatuer when it comes to the science of weightlifting.. Thanks
Come on, guys...He already weathered the storm, and by the rules, he is now allowed to stay. Assuming he drops the leg press that is...