Happy New Year!!


Dec 20, 2012
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So, in retrospect, how are you pleased with your accomplishments in the previous year and what are your goals for next year?
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Keep my kids happy and safe and try to get fitter!
Hey bud,
Happy New Year to you as well.

2012 was a great year for me and my family. My children were healthy, happy, and attended a host of activities, courses, classes, that has really helped define them, entertain them, and expose all of their talents and interests for the future.

I look forward to improving upon myself as a person, and more so as a father and husband heading into 2013. We all have room for improvement in all we do, and in my eyes being a husband and father are the two most important things to me, so they're my key focus each and every day and the subject of which I measure myself as a person. I want to better tomorrow than I was today, and to broaden that, I want to be better in 2013 than I was in 2012.

What about you my friend. What does your 2013 entail?
my goals for next year are as follows:

become a sherdog admin

do a lot of drugs

flex on dem hoez
I put out my first album in 2012 and am really proud of it. Other than that, it was a pretty boring year.

In 2013, I'd like to eat a Cool Ranch Doritos Loco Taco and shred a guitar solo in the desert on a Les Paul through a Marshall, having walked out of a wedding where my buddy was marrying a supermodel.
Hey bud,
Happy New Year to you as well.

2012 was a great year for me and my family. My children were healthy, happy, and attended a host of activities, courses, classes, that has really helped define them, entertain them, and expose all of their talents and interests for the future.

I look forward to improving upon myself as a person, and more so as a father and husband heading into 2013. We all have room for improvement in all we do, and in my eyes being a husband and father are the two most important things to me, so they're my key focus each and every day and the subject of which I measure myself as a person. I want to better tomorrow than I was today, and to broaden that, I want to be better in 2013 than I was in 2012.

What about you my friend. What does your 2013 entail?

Well my goals are similar to yours in a sense of me bettering myself as a person in all areas possible and to be kind and fair as possible to others.

my goals for next year are as follows:

become a sherdog admin

do a lot of drugs

flex on dem hoez
