Hammer Down Strenght?


White Belt
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score

Hey guys I'm new here and I was wondering what you think about this program. I tried to search the forums for it and nothing came up. Just wondering what you guys would do different or add. I don't do the hammer down endurance part because I don't like the way its structured, but I thought the strength part wasn't so bad. Any input would be appreciated.

It has all the elements of a decent program.
Interesting article. Thanks for posting. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone on here trying this one before.
It'alright. Quite frankly, some of the exercises are fucking stupid. DB Row for 3 reps? Single leg DB deadlifts for a 3RM? Who makes up this shit with a straight face.
Yeah I know, some of the exercises are a little strange. I thought about omitting the one leg DB deadlifts for more reps of regular deadlifts. The side deadlifts are also strange, but I kind of like them.
It'alright. Quite frankly, some of the exercises are fucking stupid. DB Row for 3 reps? Single leg DB deadlifts for a 3RM? Who makes up this shit with a straight face.

People who are trying to sell supplements.