Well you asked for evidence and now you got it.
We all know he's been forced to lie by the IDF like all the other released PoW's were after the Yocheved Lifshitz debacle.
The point is, the only children killed in this conflict have been by the IDF.
The point is.. you are wrong and believe hamas at face value..... its incredible honestly.
I listed those under 15 captured and killed. And no matter what is presented to you. Hamas = good . Israel = bad.
You know.... they couldnt have been harmed by hamas... hamas doesnt harm innocents. They knew exactly what every bullet and grenade and rocket was aimed at. Even through walls.. use some common sense for the love of... they dont target children... what do you call takimg children hostages .?
You think hes been forced to lie by the idf......
But when held as a hostage and guns pointed at him with knowing his wife and kids are also captured , held seperately......., literally forced to make a video..... 100%.. telling the truth...
You honestly might want youre head checked out if you think you are thinking logically and coherently.
To recap.
Your claim was no innocents were harmed october 7. Which turned into.
There is no innocent israelies. To
They werent killed just captured. The hostage said it was the idf. [ try use your brain. How the fuck would he know ] when he no longer was a prisoner he instantly refuted it. Hes been told to lie. By the idf ... [ not when being forced to do a hostage video tho ]
Its honestly bat shit crazy bud. I never thought id see the day people would swallow a hostage press release at face value. But here we are.
I dont know if its bevause youre anti israel or pro hamas tho. But im getting a suspicion