International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

I don't start fights, but I do finish them.

Hypocritical pussy.

And you're funny, my boy.

After poisoning the wells now israeli settlers poison livestock of Palestinians. But hey it's not a terrorist colonialist state at all. Only democracy in the middle east yada yada

No responses... hmmmm?

Guess they're finally too embarrassed for their typical:
hamas, tunnels, command centers, or human shields, or even the old faithful, HE GAVE US THIS LAND.

But they're the moral ones in all of it, right?

Palestine And Israel shouldn't even be high on anyone's radar when it comes to the US election, let alone a deciding issue lol

How much longer will these absolute shit people be allowed to control our elections and our politicians' policies by outright buying them.


Since JFK, not one of them from either side has said shit and for decades, it's been our bombs and bullets that have been tearing Palestinian children apart.

The 10/7 narrative is an aipac trap, pimps.

And you're funny, my boy.

No responses... hmmmm?

Guess they're finally too embarrassed for their typical:
hamas, tunnels, command centers, or human shields, or even the old faithful, HE GAVE US THIS LAND.

But they're the moral ones in all of it, right?


How much longer will these absolute shit people be allowed to control our elections and our politicians' policies by outright buying them.


Since JFK, not one of them from either side has said shit and for decades, it's been our bombs and bullets that have been tearing Palestinian children apart.

The 10/7 narrative is an aipac trap, pimps.
You’re going to last a long time here
No responses... hmmmm?

Guess they're finally too embarrassed for their typical:
hamas, tunnels, command centers, or human shields, or even the old faithful, HE GAVE US THIS LAND.

But they're the moral ones in all of it, right?
Hate to be a critic and all, but this is a video of dead goats with an added text:
Israelis killed my goats.

Kind of amusing that you think a piece of junk journalism like that is worthy of any kind of response, (to be fair, that goes for 90% of Al-jihadi articles.)

Love the quote at the end of the "news" article:
"The footage has been verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit."

And you're funny, my boy.

No responses... hmmmm?

Guess they're finally too embarrassed for their typical:
hamas, tunnels, command centers, or human shields, or even the old faithful, HE GAVE US THIS LAND.

But they're the moral ones in all of it, right?
Nobody responds to Koya because all he does is spam often fake news and bogus Twitter videos and block people who utterly refute him in debate. He blocked me around November after I tracked down a video he just posted and he claimed happened in 2023 when it was a retread video with new subtitles from 2017 lol

How much longer will these absolute shit people be allowed to control our elections and our politicians' policies by outright buying them.


Since JFK, not one of them from either side has said shit and for decades, it's been our bombs and bullets that have been tearing Palestinian children apart.

The 10/7 narrative is an aipac trap, pimps.
Trying to portray North American voting like it's some Aipac control issue is just outright naitivety or deception on your part.

The honest truth is, Israel/Palestine has little visible impact on day to day life in north America. Most of us vote on stuff that directly affects us, our life and economy. If you ask me what is more important in an election here and give me the option A of housing shortage, cost of living, gas prices and healthcare improvement vs option B any issues overseas, I'm not going to give a shit about overseas.
Of course they do. To support Israel is to support a Jewish Supremacy etho-state.

There is no place for additional nonJews in Greater Israel.
You are still running with the neo-nazi schtick of the "jews are trying to take over the world"...cmon, if that was true, how come that Arabs/non-jews are allowed to build mosques and even play a role in the Israeli government?

And you're funny, my boy.

No responses... hmmmm?

Guess they're finally too embarrassed for their typical:
hamas, tunnels, command centers, or human shields, or even the old faithful, HE GAVE US THIS LAND.

But they're the moral ones in all of it, right?


How much longer will these absolute shit people be allowed to control our elections and our politicians' policies by outright buying them.


Since JFK, not one of them from either side has said shit and for decades, it's been our bombs and bullets that have been tearing Palestinian children apart.

The 10/7 narrative is an aipac trap, pimps.

You want us to respond to a discredited claim Israelis poisoned Palestinian wells for the 100th time?

Like when Israelis were attacked by combined armies decades ago and Israelis poisoned their OWN wells to not allow their enemies potable water?This has been done by many armies throughout history. You destroy all available resources to leave nothing to your enemies.

Koya is prone to posting highly inflammatory low credibility information. Koya is posting things akin to "HAITIAN IMMIGRANTS ARE EATING CATS AND DOGS IN SPRINGFIELD OHIO" and uh here's a Youtube/TikTok link with an interview with some random guy.....
Former french prime minister Dominique De Villepin who gave a passionate speech against the war in Irak at the UN in 2003 says it like it is. No way there's still 40K Palestinian murdered. This number hasn't been updated for what 4 months ? The Lancet was right, the 186K figure is way closer to reality. 10% of the population killed almost.

He's also right that there reoccupation of Gaza is right here before our eyes but imbeciles pretend to not see it.


Fucking recorded in Hamas captivity. How low can you go, Mr. Fact-Checker?

Nice job posting direct Hamas propaganda as a credible source. Really showing your true colors.

Yea that's why she's saying the same shit after she was released from captivity. Inconvenient for you I guess.

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Yea that's why she's saying the same shit after she was released from captivity. Inconvenient for you I guess.

You realize these Jewish Supremacist who is fine with Israel raping and torturing Palestinian civilians in captivity in order to record false confessions.
You’re going to last a long time here
Bro, I am not your enemy and why won't I? Team genocide is in here every day posting pure fiction, a created narrative to explain away the most brutal mass murder of our time.

At the same time you have likely never made that same comment to the chud thundercuck character who, from what I have seen, has done nothing more than wake up each day, jump on his little pink bicycle, ride it in here with his little pink gas can, and do nothing more than try to burn this thread down to the ground. A behavior that seems supported here.

If you would like to message me and discuss anything, openly and without malice, I would be happy to engage you. It's your choice. Continue believing the narrative at all costs or become a diligent researcher in these matters.

The choice is yours.
Where is the place for any Jews at all in the entire Arab world?
Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Aussie, Antarctica... and even Palestine.
This is what Palestinian Jews believe:

Moreover, these Jews are part of a community that existed for over a century prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, coexisting peacefully with the local Arabs.

It is important for everyone to at least be able to objectively recognize this simple truth.
You want us to respond to a discredited claim Israelis poisoned Palestinian wells for the 100th time?

Like when Israelis were attacked by combined armies decades ago and Israelis poisoned their OWN wells to not allow their enemies potable water?This has been done by many armies throughout history. You destroy all available resources to leave nothing to your enemies.

Koya is prone to posting highly inflammatory low credibility information. Koya is posting things akin to "HAITIAN IMMIGRANTS ARE EATING CATS AND DOGS IN SPRINGFIELD OHIO" and uh here's a Youtube/TikTok link with an interview with some random guy.....
The claim being discredited is part of your narrative. I know this because I too believed as you, that well poisoning (so insane on its surface) was solely an antisemitic trope. But as usual, I go to debunk it, and because I diligently research these matters, I found out that in fact:
Israel poisoned the wells and water supplies of certain Palestinian towns and villages as part of their biological warfare program...

caused a typhoid epidemic in Acre in early May 1948, and an unsuccessful attempt in Gaza that was foiled by the Egyptians in late May.[3]

and this is really well known (no pun intended) beyond your daily scripts.

And it's like this shit never ends.
December, last year:
“Access to sufficient amounts of clean water is a matter of life and death, and children in Gaza have barely a drop to drink,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Children and their families are having to use water from unsafe sources that are highly salinated or polluted. Without safe water, many more children will die from deprivation and disease in the coming days.”

And they did. And they continue to. UNICEF told the world and they've done nothing.

"Like when Israelis were attacked by combined armies decades ago"
Do you diligently research anything?

"Koya is prone to posting highly inflammatory low credibility information."
It was video from Al J showing all the dead fucking livestock. Stop attacking and start investigating.

And we have Bedouin sources too:

Hassan Malihat, of Al-Baydar Organisation for the Defence of Bedouin Rights, said extremist settlers had perpetrated a series of attacks on Palestinian farms before this one. Malihat told how the occupiers killed sheep belonging to Palestinian brothers Suleiman and Mohammad Melihat by pouring poison into the water that the animals drink from. msn too:​

bless y'all
'12,000 minors, 710 infants': Names released of over 34,000 victims of Israel's war on Gaza

Health authorities in the embattled Gaza Strip, on Monday, released the names of 34,344 Palestinians killed by the Israeli army in the course of its deadly onslaught against Gaza Strip, now approaching its grim first anniversary, Anadolu Agency reports.

The list published by the Gaza Health Ministry in Gaza included the names of 11,983 minors under the age of 18 killed by the Israeli army.

The list also includes the names of 710 infants under a year old killed in Gaza by the Israeli army since last 7 October, as well as names of 2,734 Palestinians over 60 also killed by Israeli attacks.

Despite a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, Israel has continued its brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip following an attack by Palestinian group, Hamas, last 7 October.

More than 41,200 people, mostly women and children, have since been killed and over 95,400 injured, according to local health authorities.

The Israeli onslaught has displaced almost the entire population of the territory amid an ongoing blockade that has led to severe shortages of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel also faces accusations of genocide for its actions in Gaza at the International Court of Justice.
Bro, I am not your enemy and why won't I? Team genocide is in here every day posting pure fiction, a created narrative to explain away the most brutal mass murder of our time.

At the same time you have likely never made that same comment to the chud thundercuck character who, from what I have seen, has done nothing more than wake up each day, jump on his little pink bicycle, ride it in here with his little pink gas can, and do nothing more than try to burn this thread down to the ground. A behavior that seems supported here.

If you would like to message me and discuss anything, openly and without malice, I would be happy to engage you. It's your choice. Continue believing the narrative at all costs or become a diligent researcher in these matters.

The choice is yours.

Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Aussie, Antarctica... and even Palestine.
This is what Palestinian Jews believe:

Moreover, these Jews are part of a community that existed for over a century prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, coexisting peacefully with the local Arabs.

It is important for everyone to at least be able to objectively recognize this simple truth.

The claim being discredited is part of your narrative. I know this because I too believed as you, that well poisoning (so insane on its surface) was solely an antisemitic trope. But as usual, I go to debunk it, and because I diligently research these matters, I found out that in fact:
Israel poisoned the wells and water supplies of certain Palestinian towns and villages as part of their biological warfare program...

caused a typhoid epidemic in Acre in early May 1948, and an unsuccessful attempt in Gaza that was foiled by the Egyptians in late May.[3]

and this is really well known (no pun intended) beyond your daily scripts.

And it's like this shit never ends.
December, last year:
“Access to sufficient amounts of clean water is a matter of life and death, and children in Gaza have barely a drop to drink,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Children and their families are having to use water from unsafe sources that are highly salinated or polluted. Without safe water, many more children will die from deprivation and disease in the coming days.”

And they did. And they continue to. UNICEF told the world and they've done nothing.

"Like when Israelis were attacked by combined armies decades ago"
Do you diligently research anything?

"Koya is prone to posting highly inflammatory low credibility information."
It was video from Al J showing all the dead fucking livestock. Stop attacking and start investigating.

And we have Bedouin sources too:

Hassan Malihat, of Al-Baydar Organisation for the Defence of Bedouin Rights, said extremist settlers had perpetrated a series of attacks on Palestinian farms before this one. Malihat told how the occupiers killed sheep belonging to Palestinian brothers Suleiman and Mohammad Melihat by pouring poison into the water that the animals drink from. msn too:​

bless y'all
No offense but your post is a mess.

You conflate multiple points in some confusing manner. You mention year 1948 which is literally the year Arab coalition armies attacked Israel in order to destroy the newly founded state of Israel(this is what I was referring to in my prior post). As Israel retreated from their own territories, they made the water unusable.

Then you skip time and mention current Gaza conflict and speak to water shortages due to a current self inflicted war of aggression by the Palestinians/Hamas.

You seriously need to make your points more coherent.