International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Yeah. It's childish to say ceasefires are best practice for peace.

Can you psychos even hear yourselves?

Yeah it's incredibly childish since two ceasefires have been broken since the Oct 7th attacks.

Ceasefire just means shooting stops temporarily, but the conflict and grievances remain. Nothing changes.

Gonna need something more concrete than hopes and prayers I think this time.
Yeah it's incredibly childish since two ceasefires have been broken since the Oct 7th attacks.

Ceasefire just means shooting stops temporarily, but the conflict and grievances remain. Nothing changes.

Gonna need something more concrete than hopes and prayers I think this time.

Go on.

Find peace without a ceasefire.

Explain how it will work.
Yeah. It's childish to say ceasefires are best practice for peace.

Can you psychos even hear yourselves?
They want genocide and settle gaza, the WB and anywhere Jewish-Israelis want but are afraid to say it out loud.
What he said to both was not inconsistent. It’s not his “own party”. The cabinet has members of all parties. Some in those parties had a different opinion. He’s trying to influence them.

Again, this is hard for you to follow, apparently, because you don’t want to follow. Allowing money and aid into Gaza helps the people of Gaza. At least in the near term. Taking action to avoid humanitarian crisis helps the people of Gaza. It alleviates suffering of the people of Gaza. It reduces the threat of violence both within Gaza and towards Israel. It ALSO continues the divide between Gaza and the wb. Bibi noted BOTH, AT THAT TIME. It was also noted WELL BEFORE that by other Israeli officials.

but for you, the only narrative youre capable of pushing is Israel bad. So you do what you’re doing here and (hopefully) just playing dumb.

Why do you keep saying I'm painting a narrative?

I'm literally stating a fact. Netanyahu helped prop up Hamas.

Yeah, Hamas being the official governing body of Gaza is completely irrelevant.


Yep completely irrelevant to what we're talking about - Netanyahu helping to fund Hamas.

It doesn’t. It also doesn’t negate that some of that money went to civil servants in Gaza. Some went to the needy in gaza. Some were earmarked for other humanitarian services and stolen by Hamas.

Doesn't change the fact that Netanyahu help prop up Hamas. You can keep banging your head on the wall saying the same thing or giving humanitarian excuses, but that doesn't change facts.

Hamas was already the governing and ruling body of Gaza for almost a decade. As Qatar factually stated, “they control the country”. What you again continue to ignore is that you’re laughably trying to take the position that bibi bad for allowing cash into Gaza, when that cash undoubtedly helped people in Gaza, and would have helped more had Hamas not stolen more of it. And you’d undoubtedly be taking the bibi bad position had he not allowed the money in. He noted the cash can help avoid humanitarian crisis, and keep greater peace, avoid war (of course, your Hamas had other ideas).

Netanyahu doesn't give a shit what happens to the people in Gaza. Laughable that you're trying to paint this picture of him giving a shit about the humanitarian crisis.
They want genocide and settle gaza, the WB and anywhere Jewish-Israelis want but are afraid to say it out loud.

Any time someone's logic takes them to a place where 'ceasefires are childish' or 'ceasefires are not best practice for peace', they should know they're completely fucked.

Completely fucked.
Yeah it's incredibly childish since two ceasefires have been broken since the Oct 7th attacks.

Ceasefire just means shooting stops temporarily, but the conflict and grievances remain. Nothing changes.

Gonna need something more concrete than hopes and prayers I think this time.

What possible actions and outcome do you see that prevents more future conflict and grievances?

Going to need something more concrete than hopes and prayers obviously
You've really gone off at the deep end lately.

You seemed to have it together not so long ago.

Come on man, I'm not off the deep end. I just want Hamas GONE, a two-state solution, with a DMZ in between the two nation-states. Yes, it IS a tragedy that Hamas surrounds themselves with civilians, launches rockets into Israel, then screams "GENOCIIIIIIIIIIDDDDEEE!", when Israel neutralizes the threat to its people.

This is all on Hamas and no amount of cease-fire will STOP them. A negotiated peace plan with a two-state solution is the only way forward.
Any time someone's logic takes them to a place where 'ceasefires are childish' or 'ceasefires are not best practice for peace', they should know they're completely fucked.

Completely fucked.
Yup, and the 'hamas wont surrender so we can commit war crimes b/c war is hard' is up there too.
Come on man, I'm not off the deep end. I just want Hamas GONE, a two-state solution, with a DMZ in between the two nation-states. Yes, it IS a tragedy that Hamas surrounds themselves with civilians, launches rockets into Israel, then screams "GENOCIIIIIIIIIIDDDDEEE!", when Israel neutralizes the threat to its people.

This is all on Hamas and no amount of cease-fire will STOP them. A negotiated peace plan with a two-state solution is the only way forward.

I can't remember who it was, maybe Rholk, just outlined exactly how you deal with this conflict.

Complete separation, get completely out of each other pockets, considerable no man's land ala Cyprus, and stop pretending Israel and Palestine can coexist with interrelations.

Neither side can be trusted to be fair or civil to the other.

But without a ceasefire you can't achieve ANYTHING and it's demented to pretend otherwise. Fuck Hamas. They don't need to agree to a No man's land style border. Just make one and enforce it.

I agree firmly with that poster this is the solution, continuing aggression is bollocks, and so is continuing to allow settling, random arrests and the like.
I can't remember who it was, maybe Rholk, just outlined exactly how you deal with this conflict.

Complete separation, get completely out of each other pockets, considerable no man's land ala Cyprus, and stop pretending Israel and Palestine can coexist with interrelations.

Neither side can be trusted to be fair or civil to the other.

But without a ceasefire you can't achieve ANYTHING and it's demented to pretend otherwise. Fuck Hamas. They don't need to agree to a No man's land style border. Just make one and enforce it.

I agree firmly with that poster this is the solution, continuing aggression is bollocks, and so is continuing to allow settling, random arrests and the like.

Yes, complete and total separation is the only way forward a-la North and South Korea. It'll be hard work, but it can be done.
Come on man, I'm not off the deep end. I just want Hamas GONE, a two-state solution, with a DMZ in between the two nation-states. Yes, it IS a tragedy that Hamas surrounds themselves with civilians, launches rockets into Israel, then screams "GENOCIIIIIIIIIIDDDDEEE!", when Israel neutralizes the threat to its people.

This is all on Hamas and no amount of cease-fire will STOP them. A negotiated peace plan with a two-state solution is the only way forward.

Gotta admit strych not seeing a disadvantage to attempting to starve ( or allowing ) 2 million + people put you in the deep end in my opinion
Eh imo think your own statement applies here .

I highly doubt hamas disappearing ends this. But it should still happen

See; the conclusion over ever hot conflict in human history.

If there's no surrender or concessions, we get NK/SK for eternity.
Yes, complete and total separation is the only way forward a-la North and South Korea. It'll be hard work, but it can be done.

There we go then.

That could start tomorrow.

It's not childish, it's the actual route out of this mess. If Netanyahu won't consider it, ts because he's putting himself above Palestine and Israel, and not because its the right strategy. The guy is scum.