H.I.M. as good as a five mile run?

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Black Belt
Aug 6, 2003
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high intensity masturbation. studies show if done right and followed like any ordinary workout routine it could be as good as a five mile run. i did some research and dug up this high intensity masturbation workout.....

30 sec warm up
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
30 sec medium intensity masturbation
45 sec high intensity masturbation
60 sec low intensity cool down

if your having trouble getting through the program refer to post 4 in this thread...


give it a shot guys tell us what you think.
Could you provide us some links to those studies or any other info that would corroborate this? I say you are making this up...

There is no way that any amount of masturbation is equal to a 5 mile run.
Oh shit, I was looking for Conditioning and got OT instead. My bad.
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