Guy Tried To Fight Me At UFC 200

Chris Gaines

Brown Belt
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
Listen, I'll try to keep this short. I was at UFC 200 with a girl I met awhile back, and I sat in the wrong chair. It turns out, it was this dicks chair who talked with a Bisping accent, he called me a bloke (among other things).

So, he was behind me, kicking the back of my chair, so I finally turned around and spazzed on him. My date was screaming and shit, then the guy shoved me and threw this really awkward, flailing elbow that missed by a mile. Some bald, roided up security guy showed up and threw him out.

It was during the Sage fight. It sucks, cuz I wanted to see Sage live and in the flesh.

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So basically cliffs are:

  • Some Brit bitched you out in front of your girl
  • Brit continues to bitch you out and you rely on security
cool story
he sounds like a true British bellend.
Sounds like the best fight at UFC 200
Listen, I'll try to keep this short. I was at UFC 200 with a girl I met awhile back, and I sat in the wrong chair. It turns out, it was this dicks chair who talked with a Bisping accent, he called me a bloke (among other things).

So, he was behind me, kicking the back of my chair, so I finally turned around and spazzed on him. My date was screaming and shit, then the guy shoved me and threw this really awkward, flailing elbow that missed by a mile. Some bald, roideded up security guy showed up and threw him out.

It was during the Sage fight. It sucks, cuz I wanted to see Sage live and in the flesh.

he has a thead posted about it, apparently he wants a refund you should try to accommodate him