GSP or T Wood... Who takes it?

I've been watching since before Hughes tapped him. GSP was the best MMA wrestler of his era. Woodley is better.

No son.. Prime GSP puts him On his back all five rounds. I don’t believe you when you say you watch those fights. Because GSP was so ridiculously dominant over everyone.
Prime GSP would probably out point Woodley in a close fight by being a bit more active and maybe hitting a quick reactive TD for some points.

Current GSP gets KTFO I think. His speed and reflexes are not what they were.
GSP beats him. Even now. George mixes it up so well Woodley will be mind fucked by the 3rd round.
No son.. Prime GSP puts him On his back all five rounds. I don’t believe you when you say you watch those fights. Because GSP was so ridiculously dominant over everyone.

The game has evolved. The level of athleticism now is so much higher. Woodley is GSP 2.0.
I don't think current GSP gets it done but in his prime it's impossible that it would be anything but a beautiful fight.
GSP would outstrike him and outwrestle him
why so much excuses about 'prime' GSP etc.

woodley and gsp are about the same age ffs

this fight needs to happen
I like T-Wood a lot, he doesn't get enough respect.
But any version of GSP takes him, GSP is GOAT material... y'all musta forgot
The game has evolved. The level of athleticism now is so much higher. Woodley is GSP 2.0.

GSP took four years off and finished the middleweight champion of the world LOL. Oh yeah but the game has Evolved alright. When you are that great. You are just that great.
GSP was better "against peers within era", but Tyron and him would be a very interesting match prime vs. prime (I'd pick GSP) or now (I'd pick Tyron).

Note: Prime does not correlated perfectly with age.
In his prime I'd pick GSP, but he is too old to fight guys like Woodley now. He'd smash Conor, Khabib, Elkookoo....but a welterweight like Tyrone is just too much for him.
How much older is he than Woodley?
Let's not give too much credit for beating Till. He was a joke to begin with. I think GSP beats Woodley easily.
I honestly think Woodley is too much for gsp. To fast, too strong, too powerful. People sleep on twood but he has great power and patience. He fought smart fights vs wonderboy and people thought he was boring and not skilled. Wrong.. I think he could have koed wonderboy no problem, but his gameplan was x and he listens to his coaches.
Current GSP shouldn’t fight Woodley. He looked slower than he used too against Bisping. I know he weighed more, but I just think he has lost a step. Woodley would prolly sleep him at this point. Who knows though, I picked
Tyron had a good fight tonight but come on....
GSP has longer reach. he might jab fuck woodley. but i lean to woodley
Why would GSP want to fight Woodley? GSP is basically retired and only coming back for big money fights. he is not looking to come back full time. Fighting Woodley does nothing for him at this point. He has cemented his legacy at WW

He DOESN'T wanna fight Woodley lol thats the point. Woodley would body GSP like I said, not a knock on GSP but he goes thru hell with wrestlers with power. Can't keep em down and cant win in the standup due to his lack of power (despite his superior technique). Thats why Hendricks sent him into retirement and thats why Tyron would still body any version of him. Just my opinion fam.
This is a difficult fight. I think GSP improved in his striking but his main strength would be neutralized against Woodley, I think he could still hang on the ground with him though.

I think it would be a close fight, but if I had to bet money it would be a Woodley win.
It would look like Rory vs Tyrone but even more one sided in GSP’s favor
He DOESN'T wanna fight Woodley lol thats the point. Woodley would body GSP like I said, not a knock on GSP but he goes thru hell with wrestlers with power. Can't keep em down and cant win in the standup due to his lack of power (despite his superior technique). Thats why Hendricks sent him into retirement and thats why Tyron would still body any version of him. Just my opinion fam.

And what would Tyron prove by beating an out of prime, remi retired, rusty GSP now? That he's the greatest WW of all time? Lol fuck no.

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