grip strenghth jiu jitsu


May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Hey first off I am not much of a lifter other than kettlebells so if I say something that sounds stupid bear with me.

I am teaching a group of guys right now and a question that keeps coming up is how to develop grip sterngth for jiu jitsu. I personally have it from rolling for years but have no idea how one would develop it artifically. So instead of responding with roll for a few years hopeully you guys can give me something better to respond with
Hey first off I am not much of a lifter other than kettlebells so if I say something that sounds stupid bear with me.
... well That happened quick...

I am teaching a group of guys right now and a question that keeps coming up is how to develop grip sterngth for jiu jitsu. I personally have it from rolling for years but have no idea how one would develop it artifically. So instead of responding with roll for a few years hopeully you guys can give me something better to respond with
Please read the FAQ. In it you will find a guide to grip training. Specifically for grappling I think thickbar work, pinch grip, towel/rope/gi pullups and sledgehammer levering would be most usefull.