Social Greta Thunberg has pivoted

Something need not be entirely black and white to think that one sides actions are more worthy of criticism, especially if that side is backed up by your own government and is currently killing and maiming tens of thousands of women and children.

I'm not surprising she's very unpopular, if you support both the destruction of the entirely which could lead to the deaths of billions and perhaps even the collapse of society as we know it and what looks like the ethnic cleansing of millions you probably do not like having your positions morality highlighted.

Again as I said I think there is plenty of ingenuine and self serving environmentalism within the media but I think the current events in Israel are a good way of highlighting whether someone is a genuinely moral media figure or whether they are a careerist stooge, lots of "liberal" media outlets have not taken against it.
youre not making an actual argument. You're just highroading everyone . Since you basically just admitted you don't know what you're talking about feel free to go learn the whole history, and then remember how this conflict started before telling everyone else what a good person should think
Liberal ideology used to come from a place of compassion. Now it comes from a place of idiocy. Whatever side people like her are on, I make sure to be on the opposite. Same thing with people that block traffic or loot and pillage and call it protesting.
lol I think her whole eco warrior shtick is a farce but I'm with her on the anti-Zionist stance.

So kind of the opposite of that goof that got on stage and started whining about her talking about "politics"
The Palestinian issue has absolutely nothing to do with being an environmentalist. You can believe in climate change and actively fight against while being either pro Palestinian, pro Israeli, or having no opinion at all. The two things are not connected in any way.

It’s this stupid modern era in politics where people seem to believe have to have the same bundled set of beliefs to be a liberal or a conservative or whatever. It’s nonsense
That's true and there are tons of Israelis that are environmentalists but being honest, in the West, environmental activism is mostly a left wing movement. And being pro Palestine is also mostly a left wing position. Even among Jewish people, these on the left usually support some kind of compromise, the two state solution.

I'm obviously pro the environment but I find the entire environmentalist movement annoying.
That's true and there are tons of Israelis that are environmentalists but being honest, in the West, environmental activism is mostly a left wing movement. And being pro Palestine is also mostly a left wing position. Even among Jewish people, these on the left usually support some kind of compromise, the two state solution.

I'm obviously pro the environment but I find the entire environmentalist movement annoying.
I know that the majority of leftists support Palestine. Let’s also be a little honest here, a lot of people also just form their opinions based on what they see other people in their political feeds saying. But there is nothing inherently liberal or conservative about the situation. I find it really annoying when people come in and do a “no true Scotsman” on the subject.